Tele King Communication & InteleCall Communications
Ripoff liars going to court call Florida Ag & Con division to get in on this

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The State of Fl Agricultural & Consumer Div has filed suit against Tele King to get our money back. They broke many laws, as we know, but we have outlined the ones they clearly violated.

But, you have to file with the Fl Ag & Cons Div, not the Att. Gen. If you have not contacted them you need to do so. You can get a phone number from the operator or website.

The office in Tallahassee is the one you want. Ask for Tony McDowell, Ida Daniels or Maggie Reshard. I wish there was a way for all of us to get in touch, but contact the Cons Div and they will help you.

Company: Tele King Communication & InteleCall Communications
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 11900 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 500
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