Austin Custom Research Center
P? &*# me off!

Shops, Products, Services

I obtained an extremely genuine searching notice and check declaring I had been among 31 "champions" of the Internet Store Promotion. I examined the address about the letterhead, there have been bank tackle, I named the financial institution outlined about the check, resources were confirmed, the check was transferred and switched set to become fake! Thank God used to donot send cash! Simply g? &*# me down!

Company: Austin Custom Research Center
Country: USA
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Austin Custom Research Cente
Sent counterfit check

Readers Digest
Fake Checks


Liberty Financial
Terrible experience

Microsoft/PCH Sweepstakes Lottery
Is it a scam

Scam and rip off

Consumer Center Research
Consumer Report

East Shore Marketing Group
Emvelope stuffing SCAM

Customer Compensation Draw
Award Claim

Safeway Financial Services
Fraud and cheating