CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Fradulantly Charged My VISA Account

Shops, Products, Services

I entered CIC's affiliated web site,, to obtain a credit report. I began the application process, but terminated it after reading their disclaimer.

I was billed for $79.95. I received no service of any kind and should never have been billed.

I am currently disputing the charge and have filed a complaint with the police department.

Company: CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
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CIC Monitoring
Ripoff -unauthorized membership

Consumer Info Credit Monitoring Service
Ripoff I have never received the free credit report and was billed nearly $80.00 as a membership fee

CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Fraudulant billing on Visa Card for $79.95 for FREE credit report

CIC Credit Monitoring Service
Fraudulent rip-off Worldwide

CIC Credit Monitoring -
CIC Credit Monitoring aka rip-off! A charge of $79.95 just appeared on my debit card. I did not authorize the service to charge my account

CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff fraud

CIC Credit Monitoring
Ripoff $79.95 charged to my account without my authorization

CIC Credit Monitoring
Fraud ripoff! CIC Credit monitoring billed my Visa cc for $79.95 for services never wanted or received!

CIC - Credit Monitoring Service
CIC Credit Monitoring Service ripoff

CIC Credit Monitoring
CIC Credit Monitoring Company Experian consumer scam!