Landair Transport
Landaire Inclandair Transport fired because of being admitted to hospital, not enough prior notice

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In feb i was on a dedicated run to louisville ky when i became too sick to drive. Was told to take load back to terminal. Wife picked me up and took me to the hospital in michigan. Spent 7 or 8 days there. Had pneumonia and kidney problems. Called in to update, and was told i was fired because i didnt give them enough prior notice.

Company: Landair Transport
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Greenville
Address: 1110 Meyers Street
Phone: 4237831272
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Landair Transport Inc
"the usual deception and fraud"

Southern Refrigerated Transport
I was fired while in the hospital

Marten Transport
Fired me without warning-kept wages-would not help pay to get me home-fired me locked me out of tractor and told to go home

Covenant Transport, Scott Travis, Hutchins Term
Is Racism alive and well at Covenant Transport, Hutchins terminal?

Fired me for no reason

Landair Transport
Ripoff, dishonest company tries to cheat their drivers out of money! Liers! Stealers!

Equity Transportation
Everyone They Ripped me off after getting out of the Hospital Fired me and screwed my DAC

Southern Refrigerated Transport
Or Srt theses guys had someone train me on my longs then fired me cause he taught me wrong!

Paschall truck lines
Dumped on

Landair Transport Inc
Have not paid last payroll & bad get home policy Ripoff