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Nowadays after I was going put some articles within the web I really could instantly observe several links on and that I was surprised to determine Mr. Srikanth who calls herself as “SEO Expert” attempting to upsell the folks operating underneath him as SEO Specialists. LOL.

I had been the customer designated to Mr. Srikanth who had been launched as “SRI” by Mr. Yadla who's currently the Supervisor for that TrafficAssistants plan. I understand how he used-to keep in touch with me and deliver Traffic to my website, that will be all scrap and worth observing in my experience and my website. Today he's turn out of trafficassistants and began this own organization about the title of that we am certain that will be a scrap and likely to function as the Online Marketing Sectors greatest FRAUD due to his attitude towards his customers like me who'd to stop from trafficassistants due to Srikanth.

Significant problem with Srikanth is the fact that he never conveyed any factor back again to me concerning the function that's being completed and he never was sticking with the visits of my buddies and me who have been with trafficassistants previously. Our important disappointment with Srikanth is the fact that he never appreciated my recommendations like a customer and I did so all of the scrappy shit that will be of no price for my site.

DoN't believe customers who approach you for SEO don't have any understanding in Web. If you were to think which means you are making larger issues on your own.

Another funniest element is the fact that, Srikanth exhausted to get hold of handful of my buddies per week back who're currently with, with respect to and desired them people to participate his headless SEO team again.

Srikanth have you got any FEELING to make contact with me or my buddies for employing your SEO specialists underneath your bullshit guidance? Could you display the planet a Blue-Print about your SEO solutions or atleast 2 content customers that you've with you who're pleased dealing with you? Please don't supply any “ Fake” info again below only for the benefit of addressing your Butt.

I'm sure no body with this sacred planet want to begin a disagreement with this article as all of the customers who've caused Sri understands his work tradition and his SEO understanding. Really horrible to become knowledgeable believe me.

Sri first understand 2 issues when outsourcing SEO providers “keeping customers Pleased With correct communication” “Solid SEO knowledge” = SEO Traffic Specialists, “Fooling/aggravating the clients” “0PERCENT SEO knowledge” = your current SEO Specialists.

Country: USA
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