Wholesale Office Supplies Scam

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My assistant received a phone call today from someone name Don Sterling he claimed I had given her name to him and told him to call her. He said that we were friends and that he was moving his company to Missouri and had some office supplies he needed to get rid of before they moved. He quoted her ridiculously low prices and she compared them to our office supply catalog and told him ok on the order.

My assistant is a very bright and astute person. What made this scam so bad (or good depending on how you look at it) was that Don sounded so convincing because he had personal information about me and about the supplies we normally order. My assistant truly thought this was someone I knew personally. He made great with the small talk and told her he would be sending her a free digital camera with the order.

When my assistant came into my office to let me know she spoke with my friend (Don) earlier today I told her I did not have a friend named Don Sterling nor did I know anyone by that name. Once she explained to me what happened I told her she had just been scammed. We searched the internet and found a number for SVT, since they did not leave one when they took the order, and called them to cancel the order. I left a message on their voicemail notifying them of our intent to cancel the order and that we would not be paying for anything they shipped us. Someone named Tammy Graham returned my call and let me know that the order had been cancelled.

I have put my assistant and other staff in the office on alert to refuse to accept delivery of any shipments from this company. Hopefully nothing further comes of this.

Company: Svt
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Columbia
Address: 2313D Industrial Dr
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