Everly Originals
Employee of company called in March when I was expecting portrait in the mail, had not started yet. Still no portrait! Newton New Jersey

Shops, Products, Services

I followed all directions in the package and then I get a phone call two months later, when I am expecting my portrait to appear for an anniversary present to my husband, and they have not even started it. The employee stated that I did not enter in information about the hair and eye color of my two boys, which I knew darn well I did. I even asked her why it took so long for them to call and she gave some lame excuse. Now, here I am again, hoping to recieve the portrait for Father's Day and all I get is a busy signal. I have been waiting over 4 months and now I see by others complaints I may not get my portrait and I am out $135.00 dollars. I sure cannot afford this since I just got a job after being unemployed for 41/2 months. And now, I have no gift for my husband!


Company: Everly Originals
Country: USA
Phone: 9733833859
Site: everlyoriginals.com
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Everly Originals
Went out of business without sending me my portrait!

Everly Originals
Stole my portrait

Everly Originals
Took my money, my picture of my sons but never sent my portrait and could not be contacted

Everly Originals Through HSN
Everly Originals promised a portrait of our deceased son and did not deliver. Newton New Jersey

Everly Originals
Royal Portrait Rip-Off! 3 oil portraits paid-in-full never received

Everly Originals
I ordered a portrait almost a year ago

Everly Originals Llc
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Studio Originals LLC
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Everly Original Portraits
Paid for portrait as a gift. Never received portrait. After many phone calls, emails to every email address they have, NOW all emails returned as undeliverable, phone lines busy. Unable to get any response from this company. Natiownide

Everly Orginals
No portrait! Did not send my pictures back! Not honest!