Moreno And Woods
True physical addresses and reports to credit reporting agencies

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Gooooooooooooood morningggggg all!!! I'm sending another report to you all because I don't believe that the other was posted, or that I have somehow missed seeing it posted here. It's now day number (four) 4 of my reports to you. I hope that you're reading what's put here. But I KNOW that the Moreno and Woods elite are!!! Things are happening to show that my work here is having its intended affect. To make a company realize that could and should be a very good place of business, but a change in the way it operates needs to come about first. To simply "pretend" to be a family-type atmosphere (one with allowances for family or personal needs), or "pretend" to want to help its workers grow and learn about the legal and lucrative aspects of the business is not enough! AND... Oh my god... Lying to its employees is certainly a much-needed change!!! Now... in terms of the lies, the consumers need to know which ones your office (Moreno and Woods) is telling them. Lie number one: You need to stop telling the people you call that you will have their credit reports updated when you KNOW DARN WELL that that will never happen. Although it would follow the FCRA, if you were to make such positive reports to the three major credit reporting bureaus once an account is paid, consumers need to realize that this is not a practice followed by the offices of Moreno and Woods. Lie number two: stop telling people that your office is located in Webster, NY. Give 'em your true address! If you're doing everything, as the law dictates, you won't have to worry about a debtor doing anything but bringing in a payment as asked (if they do owe the debt). Darn... Gotta go! But, as usual, I'll be back sometime this afternoon. Before I do go though, I'd like to say this: It most certainly is my right to say what I wish in this or any other forum. This is my freedom of speech! The strongest component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech. The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government, or anyone else for that matter. It may be prohibited if found to be the cause of a breach of peace or causes violence. I've done neither. Nor will the event that I am approached, proof can be provided as to any position I've taken, along with much more information I have gathered in my own way. The actions I'm taking are because my family and I have (in my opinion) been done wrong, in many ways, by this company. Trust when i say that this is making us suffer in too many ways!!! When I look at my wife and kids, I can't say certain things to them, because of what's been done. Even KNOWING they were wrong has not prompted anyone from this office to even drop a line or drop by to apologize. When I get back later, I will have written much more on paper that I will share with you here! If you have any questions of your own, please drop me a line? I will be sure to respond with as much information as I have. THAT'S A LOT!!! Ya know... I really don't need responses from any of you. Because I know that many of you have already read the content of my reports. I have received responses from a lot of folks with whom I've had conversations (in some of the many conversational sites on the net) in the past few days. The realization that "word of mouth" is the absolute BEST way to advertize anything is satisfactory enough for me, while dealing with this whole mess. And, as long as I have a free minute of time in the course of my day, I will be writing about Moreno and Woods. I really do apologize for not having the other pages ready yet. But I seriously have to make sure that any information given does not come back to haunt me later. Its still in review. But, I can tell you this much... It will be verrrry good!!! Not only will I be able to tell you about how to keep all calls (for use as evidence in any possible law suit), against Moreno and Woods, I will be giving you information about the owners (some of which work out of other offices). There will be things brought to your attention to let you find out how to track ownership of this business, in the event it decides to change its name. That way, you will know if you've ever spoken with them before and just how they need to be dealt with. As far as the "special event" planned for this office, I'm told that it will take more than a few days to get something together before the task is taken on.

Company: Moreno And Woods
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Webster
Address: 1900 Empire Blvd Suite 252
Phone: 8669283160
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Moreno And Woods
Everyday... Three times a day! Until i'm completely tired of it! The people deserve it!

Moreno And Woods
Moreno and woods just call me william justice, former employee

Moreno And Woods
Moreno and woods no doubt... A name change is a comin'! But the true names remain the same!

Moreno And Woods
You know what they say about carma... Don't you?

Moreno And Woods:
Moreno and woods here's your open call for justice

Moreno And Woods - Marshall & Ziolkowski
Harrasment, rip off, rude, vulgar, contacting relatives, illegal credit inquiries, mental distress

Moreno And Woods
After death of relative they called to collect bad debt of that relative which never existed. Credit card company verified it

Moreno And Woods
No checks, no credit cards, no debit cards

Moreno And Woods
Moreno And Woods Moreno and Woods Scams Lady's Insurance Money

Moreno And Woods - Mike Azzinaro
Ellen S You have Been SCAMMED