NBEI Inc - YourCompanyListing.com
Still scamming!

Shops, Products, Services

We've been harassed by these guys for 2 years now! We paid the first invoice they sent, now they claim we owe them for the 2nd year of a two year contract. They even faxed a copy of the check we sent... It's a little scary to think that they have a copy of our routing number!

Thank you for posting info online about them! It helped in our decision to NOT PAY THEM again! They are very persistant. We have contacted the BBB, the FTC is next. I just read they have a Cease and Desist Order against them in North Dakota! Way to go!

Company: NBEI Inc - YourCompanyListing.com
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Chesapeake Beach
Address: 6226 4th Street
Phone: 8007650508
  <     >  


Sent false invoice for services not rendered or ever ordered

Debit Corporation Of America
Cease & Desist Order Issued By State of South Dakota North Miami Florida

Fake Invoices

Lady Of America - Annetle
Ripoff she filled out the contract for 3 years after I signed

CIT/Lease Finance Group
Contract Fraud

Your Yellow Pages
Consumer Report

National Business Information Exchange
Ripoff now going as yourcompanylisting.com

Bally Total Fitness

Fraud" YourCompanyListing.com "Fraud

MBF Leasing LLC