MAP Marketing
Patrick Cosgrove - Max Braddock Took my money, sent someone out 4 weeks later, only placed half of the machines I paid for

Shops, Products, Services

Following is the final attempt email to the CEO:

Hello, My Name is Jim Vn, and I am a customer of yours in Reno, NV. I have contracted your company to place 27 machines. I was excited to find your service since I do not have the time to place the machines by myself.

On October 10 (more than a month later than your original email estimated) One of your associates Gary Hemphill arrived here in Reno, He called and informed me that I had to drive him to the prospective locations, this was an unexpected interruption to my schedule.

Since he arrived here in Reno late in the day, we only had about 3 hours to place machines, and at the end of the day he insisted I pay him cash for the 8 machines he (we) had placed. I told him I'd like to get an early start the following day.

October 11th I called him at his cell number several times to no avail, I then called the hotel and woke him up, it was now 11 AM, he told me to pick him up at the hotel and we would go place the remaining 20 machines, he said he could knock out 20 in an afternoon no problem. I proceeded to the hotel and had to call him another 3 times, he finally came down at about 12:30 PM, looking like he had been up all night, which he confirmed by telling me he had been up gambling until 6 AM.

He came downstairs looking like hell, he even forgot his false teeth, and he brought along his "assistant" who just sat in the back of my truck the whole afternoon except for getting out for a smoke. I am pretty easy going but this was just too much, we managed to place 15 more machines by the end of the day, again I paid him cash.

I have now had to remove 11 of the 23 machines that were placed, with many of the location managers telling me that no one secured permission to place the machines, 4 locations actually told me no one even made contact, the machines were just left and he asked for a card, or grabbed a card from the pharmacy at some locations.

Per our agreement, I would like to request another associate to come back to Reno and place the 11 machines that I have removed - I did pay your company a deposit for the placement of 27 machines, I have placed the remaining 4 at my own time & expense and expect this to be done at no cost to myself.

Company: MAP Marketing
Country: USA
Phone: 8007144992
  <     >  


Secure Placement
Todd Parker sold me a bulk vending machine placement warranty and when I asked to have machine relocated I was ignored. So I basically paid this guy to do absolutely nothing for me

U-turn vending
Fed me a lot of hype on how productive their machines can be i was told the least to expect was 120 a month per machine its more like 20.00 when i asked my so called business coach he just oh it just

Advanced Placement Service, Inc
Jay Baird, Steve Baird, Jennifer Baird vending location ripoffs

L & L Diamond Vending
And Locating Services ripoff

Flagship Marketing
Vending - Flagship Marketing Sold Vending Machines under the pretense that I would have a profitable business and the machines would be located in very profitable locations


Vendstar, Specialty Marketing

Nationwide Cyber Systems

Prolocating - Professional Locating Co
Prolocating - Professional Locating - Chris ripoff took my money without placing my machines Lies and breach of contract

Scam Offered Extra machines once they were purchased never sent them or had calls answered