Great Expectations
I'm paying money for something that's worth nothing. I've got better luck w / e-harmony!

Shops, Products, Services

Great Expectation is more about what they expect... They expect to take your money. The service they offer is not what you get. They said that "you're busy w / life and work, let us make it easier on you. Let us get you an opportunity to meet people" I can honestly say I have not met one person from this crappy web site! I'm wondering if any of these profiles are real to begin w / or if they're people that no longer need the site, that are married or in relationships. There's no accountability. I feel abused and neglected. Not one person has called or contacted me in anyway to check on my status or my satisfaction w / their service. But someone called because I was late on a payment. I asked that person what I should do if I was so unhappy w / the service. She told me that I "could pay a lump sum for a lesser amount." Why do I want to keep paying for something that does me no good? Or something that takes away from spending that money on something that matters... Like a date w / a real person.

I had it

Company: Great Expectations
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 1975 North Park Place, Southeast, Suite 100
Phone: 7708501314
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Great Expectations
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Great Expectations

Great Expectation
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Great-Expectations, GE Charlotte Dating in Charlotte just a new name for the Great-Expectations, who has a bad rep

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Great Expectations
Rip-off dating service