Toys "R" Us
They steal

Shops, Products, Services

Beloved audiences,

I'm a worker of Gadgets "R" Us and that I can't differ enough using the grievances concerning the shop much more. Please ensure that whenever you shed a Gadgets "R" Us gift-card that you simply visit customer support and have for this. The administration group from wherever I work had gathered all of the gift-cards which were possibly quit at registers or decreased on the ground and had set it within an envelope. There is a whenever a register was brief a great deal of cash and my boss explained to show away like a laugh but I extended to look at him and he was cashing-out these gift-cards to fill the scarcity from that register. Therefore if your client demands if anybody has discovered her missing gift-card, you know what, you will not think it is anymore since it was utilized by supervisors to get a scarcity, individual uses, as well as bribes towards the cashiers to obtain more credit card programs.

Company: Toys "R" Us
Country: USA
State: California
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VISA & American Express "Gift Cards"
Their "Gift Cards" are a rip-off

"Businessmax" "Dealpass" "Vista Print"
Vista Print Unathorized charges on my credit card

Toys R Us
Gift card

KB Toys
Gift Certificates no longer accepted online or in local stores? East Providence Nationwide

Scam and cheating

"Businessmax" "Dealpass" "Vista Print"
Business Max Bizmax Had No Consent

"" "" "Gear For Camping"
Sleeping bag never delivered, can't find website or contact company

Gift Card Cash Machine
Gift card fraud

Rebate debit card

"Pastor" Bill Cababat, "Believer's Christian Fellowship" & "Aloha Deals on Wheels"
Despicable, illegal, immoral, predator!