Seattle Coffee Direct
No refund for returned coffee

Shops, Products, Services

I was sent 6 packs of coffee in 8 days. I returned it all, but was only credited (after 2 months of calling) for 4 packs, they have cheated my out of one shipment.

Company: Seattle Coffee Direct
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
Address: 990 Grove St., Ste. 204
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Seattle Coffee Direct
Fraudulent representation of promotional offer

Bellezza Coffee
Seattle Coffee Direct Illicit wrongful charge without consent Evanston Illinois

Seattle Coffee Direct
Sales theives

Seattle Coffee Direct
Unauthorized charges

Seattle Coffee Direct
Coffee, Free Offer, subscription

Seattle Coffee Direct
Unauthorized charges

Cindy Fischaber
I sent back 3 orders of coffee which I did not order and they were supposed to credit my credit card and so far I have not be reimbursed. This coffee was sent back in May

Seattle Coffee Direct
Over charging

Seattle Coffee Direct Co
Sent coffee did not want internet

Coffeeroastersdirect, Seattle Coffee Direct
Shipped coffee after i cancelled account. I returned two shipments. Was told refund was due in 30 days. Called 6 times... Another 10 days refund. Finally phone started. Leave message on 11/02/09