Nation Wide Satellite
Miss leading about satellite inter net service

Shops, Products, Services

Huge net is running an add on some of the cable company about their inter net service when asked about it when left your phone another company called nation wide satllite will call you hughs net just advertise 4 them they send out of these spam email saying any one can get service for just $99 up front two get hooked up dont any believe this when they talk with a person when i talked with them i ask one question if there wer any charges i was told no when i was giving my credit card info i was also told th total would b $160 the extra i think would b hidden when hughe net advertise they say nothing about people cross the country think they get 4 99 dollars it is a lie i have already sent a compliant 2 the fcc about this. Thanks

Company: Nation Wide Satellite
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 1330 Western Auto Drive
Phone: 8402220407
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Mobile Nation
Consumer Report

Nation Wide Business Credit
Previous employees of Nation Wide Business Credit are now with BALBOA CAPITAL. $2136.67 STOLEN from small business in recession. Beware of Nation Wide Business Credit thieves

Nation Wide Home Warranty
Will not fix or replace washing machine stated in contract

Allied Interstate
Fraudulent Billing

Nation Wide Information
Services Group Inc ripoff

Hughes Net
Hughes Satellite Service - HughesNet false advertisment, rude, poor customer service, restiction, in constant change of "their" regulation Gaithersburg germantown

Nation Wide Consultings
Nation wide consultings claims to help get people free grant moneyfor school, debt and to fix up houses Ripoff Internet

Digital Satellite Connections
Ripoff scam company on the internet

The secret new technology

Golden Harvest
Ripoff they took us for 99.00 Nation Wide nation wide