50 Million Grants, Grantseveryday
Deceptive advertising, False claims, Monthly deductions from my bank account

Shops, Products, Services

I saw an advertisment for a "free" cd about government grants online, all I had to do was pay for the shipping and handling, which was just a few dollars.

The advertisement is very misleading. Nowhere on the page is there mention of a 7 day trial period or that by sending for the cd you are entering into a contract which allows this company to make monthly deductions from your
bank account.

After revisiting the site, I did see a box where you have to click on to view their terms and conditions and agree to them, but I do not recall having done this when I sent for the cd. If I had known about the terms of their contract I would never have sent for the cd!

I began to notice $49.50 being deducted from my account at the same time each month and each tiime there was a different name attached, but all having to do with grants.

I was not receiving anything from them at all that would warrant paying them $49.50 a month! I went to my bank to change my card number to prevent any more withdrawls, after several months. (I know! My Bad!)

I have since discovered that I am not the only one this company has deceived in this manner and believe their tactics are intentional.
They also use different names such as Grant for you Today and Best Grant for You as testified by other victims of this fraudulent activity.

I don't know if there is anything that I can do to get my money back and I can accept this loss as a valuable and expensive ($300.00!) lesson learned,
so the main reason I am writing this complaint is to share my experience as a warning to others and to expose this company!

I hope my letter will be helpful to others to always read every detail before you purchase anything on the internet and if someting is advertised as "free",
Most likely IT IS'T!

Company: 50 Million Grants, Grantseveryday
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5348 Vegas Drive Suite 866
Phone: 8665247488
  <     >  


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