Impeccable Careers
I also recieved the same e-mail word for word as Brandon did for the receptionist "job"

Shops, Products, Services

I have received two e-mails from this company about this "job". I am job seeking and since my resume is online, I assumed the e-mails were from an employer or headhunter firm. I foolishly gave additional information in response to the second e-mail which asked for a secondary phone number and a list of my references. I am really upset at myself for not checking before I responded to these e-mails. It seems this company is using the information for marketing colleges and online universities as I have now also received a phone call from a college recruiter responding to my "request for more information" concerning continuing my education. Boy do I feel like a fool. Should have known. What receptionist makes $19 an hour?

Company: Impeccable Careers
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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Coleman Careers & Partners
Consumer Report

Z Tel Communications
Absolute financial and billing fraud and id theft

Career Network Inc
They sent an e-mail to me claiming that I met the initial qualifications for a certain position

Career Network
Fake Company is responding to my posted resumes. Watch out for Career Network!

Chase Relocation
After informing Felipe numerous times that I would not be using them, I recieved an e-mail to stop contacting them and was then hung up on when attempting to report such behavior to management

Dreamworks Vacation Club
Fraud and scam

Impeccable Careers
Same scam, different name and wise enough to have used Rip Off to check this out Jacksonville

Alliance Loan Company
I have received numerous e-mails up to 500, sent from my computer which is linked to a college

Smith & Noble
Consumer Report

Employment Relief
Lionheart Assurance Job Opportunity Rip-off. Preying on the unemployed or underemployed