Binder And Binder
Warning about this company

Shops, Products, Services

Quick warning about the experience I just had with them.

I had placed an Internet Query form and waited two days for them to get back to me. (Per their statement on line). When the person got back to me (~ 49 hours later), They asked one question and told me they couldn't go any further.

Background is that after surgery 2 years ago, I still can not work and owe ~ $100,000 on the hospital stay. Since I owe that, I have been basically Black-Balled from getting any help from doctors in this area. Since I can not work, I couldn't pay to see one anyway.

I was inquiring to see if I had all my other requirements fulfilled, which I attempted to explain to the person that called me. The Doctor thing can be rectified by getting a friend to loan me a few dollars and seeing how much to get 'certified disabled', which is about a 99% chance.

So their refusal to go any further makes me very wary of this law firm.

Thanks for allowing me to submit this, and your time to read it.

Company: Binder And Binder
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: 9201 Fourth Avenue Suite 703
Phone: 8006624633
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