Foster Brown
Shadow shopper scam

Shops, Products, Services

I received a yellow envelope in the mail with no return address on it. The stamp came from Canada. Enclose was a letter claiming to be from to be a secret mystery shopper. With it was a chech in the amount of $2,938.50. I called Mr. Brown when I got it and he said to cash the check now. I went to my bank and they told me they had to put the check on hold since it was from out of state. The check state was florida. I called him back and he said to call him when the check clears. I went home and done some research on the address was different. I read that they do not send out checks and mailings only emails. They said if I were to get a check to throw it away!!! I called my bank back and they are going to put the check on hold, and that it wont effect my account. Please help me. I dont want this to happen to anyone else.

Company: Foster Brown
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 21175 Tomball Parkway, suite 387
Phone: 4168796002
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General Growth And Marketing Research Logistics Inc
They are a scam!

Shadow Shopper
Shadow Shopper is a company that needs to be avoided because they sent ma a check for 2,950.00 as I was supposed to spend 300.00 of that in a retail store and wire the rest back through western union, got skeptical, called the bank, SCAM!

Individual not Company
Consumer Report

Longview Research Group
Consumer Report

United Mystery Shoppers

Adorama Consumer Research Group
Posing as secret shopper employe

Consumer Research Company
Mystery Shopper Scam, I received this letter from them about being a mystery shopper with a check for $3699.50 saying that they pay for everything and telling me what to do

Frontline Consumer Research Group
Total rip off & they are good at it! Be careful

Five star montioring & reseach group
Five star and gear, inc They sent a check to be a mystery shopper that was a scam

Service Research Inc
Fraud-Bad check for $4992 Mystery Shopper Scam. They want you to cash the check and send them the money by Western Union and Money Gram