Diamond Creek Candles

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You decide whether Diamond Creek Candles is a scam or not. I am going to point out some issues and since I am not the only one this has happened to I am posting this so that others can speak out also.

I joined DCC under a "team leader" that is no longer there. Matter of fact 4 out of 6 are not there because of the following. I stayed with them afterwards not knowing or realizing why the team leaders left. They apparently were smart but wasn't allowed to talk to us about what was going on. I and others had great team leaders and we should of left when they did but didn't understand what was going on. This was not fair to all of us that got shafted later.

There has been harassment with DCC reps been going on since they started online with their program. The owners never did anything about the harassment going on and saw it as a possible joke.

To ones looking to become rep, price is cheap to join but they get you to join to add other reps up to 50-100 and the most you will ever get paid is $20-$30 if you are lucky a month.

They have no system in place for you to see who visited your site, what they purchased, or anything to show where your little commissions come from. They expect you to go on their trust and let them give you what they want.

Their is no business phone. One man Ken-runs the show his cell phone is DCC's business phone and he is very rude to customers and reps you do bring in which end up leaving you once you work hard to get them to become reps. Ken also changes his cell phone quite often probably because customers and reps get angry and want to ask questions. He also avoids your calls and emails as much as possible.

He will not allow any postings on the www.wahm.com board to ask questions. You can go there and go throught the posts yourself. He tells everyone there to go to the private board because he doesnt want to be exposed.

I have been told from other reps that the owner of the company "jody" has been in trouble for tax evasion in NY and that is the reason they ran to vegas. I looked this up myself and that is true. You can run a background check and find this out on them.

They are now double charging people for plans. If you sign up for the $9.98 plan you will be charged double on your card

Something very strange about this company once you work your way up in the company Ken and jody start getting hateful and want you out of the company. II guess that is the reason they never ask for your social to send you a 1099 form at end of year no one has ever made that much with this company. I was shocked and disappointed when some big team leaders all left together but they had apparently found this stuff out and did not want part of it anymore. I have also heard that they were harassed so bad that they all had to change their numbers because they got phone calls during the night, abused on the sites and nothing was ever done about it. That is sorry way for a so called business to be ran.

They also said they were licensed in nevada and I heard that is one of the reasons all the team leaders left was because they researched and this was not true. They did however went and applied for all that stuff after it was brought out on them and then the harassment started and the team leaders left. Their business address is a home that don't even belong to them. They claimed the reason this was is that they didnt' want anyone breaking in and stealing their secret "Bullcrap!!!" Probably isn't even their secret. If you google it there is a foreign place they may be even getting their stuff from. They had an excuse for that also.

Now for my side of the story. I stayed on with DCC after all the mess which I couldn't understand what was going on at the time. I then brought in people in which 6 of my downline got ran off by the company because of rudeness to my downline. 3 of my customers said they would never deal with them again and then I was charged double for 3 months and couldn't get my money back. They will not send replacements for things that are broke saying it was your fault and if they do decide to replace something you will be waiting 2-3 months for it. They can have my money they owe me though one day this company will have to answer to everything they have done to their reps and customers. I want to be around to see it.

What kind of business is ran by ONE person, one cell phone that keeps changing, no business address, no building that the candles are made in, and who runs a business where they keep YOUR customers name and address hid from you that orders online. Why can't they show the receipts in the backoffice so we can keep in touch with OUR customers.

DCC has been ONE BIG LIE! I even heard that those are not their real pics on their private board. How sad is that? MY FINAL ADVICERUN AND RUN QUICK! Go with a real candle company. One that has a legit back offfice that will show you the actual receipts and your earnings, don't trust someone with the TIME you have given and your MONEY! I have to add if any of you know who I am talking about that had to leave the company (MANY) GO ask them. They can tell you the truth LEGALLY! Don't be threated with this company!!!

Company: Diamond Creek Candles
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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