Continental Promotions Group, Inc. - CPG
Files for bankruptcy

Shops, Products, Services

For all of you who have outstanding rebates note the bankruptcy filing by CPG the largest rebate processor in the country:

On 11/19, the business filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Act, case# 08-18112. This permits the business to continue to operate with court supervision while developing a plan of reorganization. Those with monetary claims against the business are advised to obtain a Proof of Claim form by writing to United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division 801 N. Florida Avenue Tampa FL 33602 for resubmission to that court. The case number should be entered on the form.

I worked as a contract worker for CPG until early November when I was told the rebate volume was down and my services were no longer needed. I was assured I'd receive my final check in the mail. To date I still haven't received my payment. I've gone ahead a filed the proof of claim form with the bankruptcy court.

Check out this link for my info:

Good luck to all with your rebates!!

Company: Continental Promotions Group, Inc. - CPG
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tempe
Address: 1120 W. Warner Rd
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