Order not received. No means to contact company. Phone number not working

Shops, Products, Services

My friend suggest I order the "Shoe Skirt" so I placed an order October 31. Email confirmation indicates "order to be received 2-6 weeks".."If any questions call our outstanding customer service department. At 888-811-2933"... It is 6 weeks out now. I called their "wonderful" customer service department to be greated by fast busy signals, or a recording that says "all circuits busy try again later'. I try early morning/late at night—weekends. Only to receive the same recordings/busy signals. I emailed customer service and was told all inquires must be directed to the phone number.

I am getting no response now from this company regarding my order. When my charge card comes in I will deny the charges and will refuse this package. I do not want to deal with a company who has this kind of operation.

Company: Shoeskirt
Country: USA
Phone: 8888112933
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Never recieved merchandise, phone number leads to nowhere Internet

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Cingular - ATT
Dropped calls everyday from 4-7 P.M. And busy signals, Freesnuggie, Free Snuggie
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Cricket Wireless
Customer Service

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