ILD Teleservices
Rip-off Billed for services not requested or solicited Not Available

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I received a charge of $32.65 on my SBC phone bill which wa not requested or approved by me. When I called the 800 number that said they were just the billing company and had no idea who ILD Teleservices was or how to get in touch with the.

They have issued a credit to my account.

Company: ILD Teleservices
Country: USA
State: Michigan
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ILD Teleservices, Inc
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Billed me for fraudulent charges on my telephone bill

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World Voice Link Inc. Cheats my family 20.00 a month and refuses to cancel using ILD Teleservices to bill us

ILD Teleservices Inc
ILD Teleservices ripoff -charged without authority to phone number thru sprint deceptive company Nationwide