Tries to rip off college student

Shops, Products, Services

I received a yellow postcard in the mail about some good news. It was signed by a Michelle Barbaa. Right away I was suspicious, so when I actually called the number on the card, I did so with every guard up. It didn't seem to be too bad at first, but the alarms went off when my credit card number was requested. I had previously decided that my card would only be used in an emergency, which this was not.

So I kept my card number locked away as the guy on the phone continuously tried to convince me otherwise. He even explained how easy it would be for me to report unauthorized charges. But I refused to budge. He finally conceded, asking me to call back with it, but I wasn't going to call anyone without knowing who these people were. I had never heard of F.R.C. I'm glad I saw this site first.

Company: F.R.C
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 1381 S Missouri Ave
Phone: 8886735216
  <     >  


F.R.C. - Michelle Barbaa
F.R.C. - Signed Michelle Barbaa Yellow Good news Postcard

F R C yellow postcard scam

F.R. C Michelle Barbaa
F.R. C - Michelle Barbaa Postcard recieved in mail today

F.R.C. Michelle Barbaa
Yellow Postcard Ripoff

Michelle Barbaa 'Good News' Postcard

F.R.C. "Good News" yellow postcard

F.R.C. Michelle Barbaa
F.R.C.- Michelle Barbaa - Sent a card requesting me to contact then for "good news"

F.R.C. - Michelle Barbaa
Sent fishy yellow post card saying good news and gave a number to call and a time


Yellow postcard with good news Ripoff