Your Billing Solutions - OAN Services
This company placed an unauthorized charge against my AT & T telephone account

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Upon receipt of my November phone bill today, I noticed an unauthorized charge against my AT & T telephone account. I called the listed 800 number and informed the company's agent that I did not sign up for, nor want the service they charged me for on 11/03.

When I asked who authorized the service, they said I was signed up via the Internet. I asked who signed me up? They said they had an email address of When I invormed them that this wasn't my email address, they said they would cancel the charge against my telephone account and issue a credit immediately.

The agent claimed they would send me a refund by check and that it would take about 10 business days. They would also place a "block" placed on my phone number at their order receiving location.

I also noticed OAN Services, Inc. Listed on my bill.

Company: Your Billing Solutions - OAN Services
Country: USA
Phone: 8002151961
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