Fit Factory
They stole money from my account with my consent... I never even heard of them... Las Vegas, Nevada

Shops, Products, Services

I checked my account and saw there was money collected in the amount of 29.95 to Fit Factory... I had never even heard of this company... I also ordered the acai berry which was free. All i had to pay was 3.95 for shipping and handling... I still have not recieved it... It's only 30.00 but I'm a single mom and every penny counts... I'm so upset... And i don't know what to do about this... Not to mention that the phone number provided is an invalid number...

Company: Fit Factory
Country: USA
Phone: 8006608489
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Fit Factory
Scam and stealing

Fit Factory
Unauthorized billing

Top 3 Acai / Acai Berry Power 500
Acai Berry Power 500/ top3acaiTop 3 Acai / Charged $29.95 for Acai Berry Power 500 never received product, can't get a refund. Las Vegas Nevada

Acai Berry Fit Factory, Acai Berry Easy30daythin, fulfillment
Acai Berry Fit Factory, Acai Berry Easy30daythinacai Berry Fit Factory, Acai Berry Easy30daythin, fulfillment ordredfrom one compay, then they switched to easy30daythin after I got refundfrom Fit Factory Davie, Fl 33314 NATIONWIDE

Fit Factory
Unauthorized Charges

Charges started appearing on my account&I have never heard of this company

Acai Berry

Extreme Acai Berry/fit Factory
Extreme Acai Berry, Fit Factoryextreme Acai Berry/fit Factory Fraud, theft, dishonest, deceitful business practices

Fit Factory NV
Rip Off on line for Free Trail Sample

Acie Berry Free Trial
Akacie Berry Free Trial charged my card monthly charges, gave my information to other comp. Who charged my card monthly fees for products/services i didnt sign up for