Hot dog roaches

Shops, Products, Services

Wienerschnitzel hot dogs had roach remains between the hot dog casing and bun. Wouldn't have noticed if we hadn't bought the plain hot dogs and opened the buns to add their ketshup packet. Their toppings, like chili dogs, would have hidden the critter remains.

Main office customer service seemed to only want marketing info. As to how often I bought from them & how much I spent per week at their outlet. They apparently are a franchise operation without concern about their franchise quality control.

Company: WienerSchnitzel
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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Consumer Report

Stop having a hard casing on a hot dog! - oscar mayer all beefe hot dogs

Christina Ramriez
Unlicense Breeder and Broker Christina Ramriez of Cozad, Nebraska Ripped me off. I bought 4 reg dogs from her Aug 23. The dogs was suppose to be top quality dogs. Far from it. Ripoff N

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