Women Shoes Plus.com Women Shoes Plus
Deceptive, Non-responsive, fraudulent & unprofessional

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered shoes on-line from womenshoesplus.com. I paid with my debit card and paid for 2 day shipping. I placed the order on October 7 and needed the shoes for a wedding on October 17. The money was debited from my account the next day.

The shoes never arrived and I have called all the numbers and left messages at the place of business to no avail. I have a cell phone number and the mailbox has been full for 13 days.

At the office in Vista, I never have talked to a human. Any of the options given end up in a voice mail, or just never answered.

Company: Women Shoes Plus.com Women Shoes Plus
Country: USA
State: California
City: Vista
Address: 2244 S. Santa Fe Ave, # C-1
Phone: 8664664395
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Johnson-shoes (johnsonshoes88@gmail.com)
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Ripoff, sent me cheaper shoes than the ones I ordered