Freedom Resourse

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I recieved a call from a guy his name was Eric he said I would receive a major credit card with a $2500.00 limit and $100.00 in gas for just $221.95 from a checking account. It sounded like a good deal so I did it.

After about one hour I realized that this was stupid and tried to call back and all I got for 3 days was hold 45 minuted each time and then it would hang up when I then finally got ahold of them I cancelled the withdrawal and they said that I had called in plenty of time and the money would not be taken out of my account. It was not originally to come out for 3 weeks plenty of time right to cancel.

Wrong they took the money that day. When I only realized I had started acculating bounce fees. I called back and they said they were sorry. I had to sign and form authorizing them to put the money back in, so I did it.

More bounce fees at this time. Two weeks later the money still was not there. I called back again and they said they changed banks and they would redo it and two weeks later I called back again because the money still was not there.

Now they want to send me a check RIGHT "CHECKS IN THE MAIL RIGHT" Just when you think it wouldn't happen to you it does.

Company: Freedom Resourse
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Woodstock
Address: 1250 Rose Creek Drive
Phone: 6792930133
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Freedom Resourse
Ripoff, debited account after cancellation, promised refund and did not refund consumer fraud ripoff

Freedom Finacial
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Freedom Resourse, Teleturf Inc
Freedom Resource took my money but Teleturf cashed the check. Now that is a fishy rip off

Capital First
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Freedom resources
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Freedom Gold
Unauthorized Checks charged to my Acount Ripoff

Freedom Resource
Ripoff they take the money - but where is the mastercard or a refund?

Freedom Rescourse
Ripoff deception

Freedom Resource
Ripoff, Took $221.95 from my account For a credit card which I never saw since May. Since then I cancelled the acoount in July. No refund since. Ripped off and scammed

Credit Education Group
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