No delivery

Shops, Products, Services

In March this season requested five cans of chew at ziggymart. After 30 days requested when probably the purchase could be delivered/appear. Reply: backoder. 30 days later requested again: backorder. Next, next, next month requested again: backorder. Meanwhile no further solutions at my emails. Delivered Mr. Y*gary Petrie to heck, actually suggested him to finish the entire tale by delivering in my experience another item, even when not in the accordant amount of cash - no solution, not really an answer that backorder in solutions!

You might declare that Italians are finical - but that is enough for me personally!

This Mr. German-origins hurts greatly!

Do Not youn purchase from sickimart!!!

Company: ZiggyMart
Country: USA
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Lies and Deceit: or the Tale of Blowing Smoke

Ziggys Discount Costume Co. Ziggymart
Ordered product in April payment was accepted $183.38 but product never shipped

Ziggymart.com Non Delivery run around Total Ripoff

Rip off

Paradise Galleries
Product not sent

Poor BUsiness, Dishonest Business Practices and Poor Customer Service

DVD Donkey
Paid for but never received DVD set!

Unreliable, item not in stock

Fanfire - Live Nation
Horrible service, order not shipped

Placed and payed an order for cigars in October 07, June 08 and still no orde