Portable On Demand Storage This is a Definite Rip-Off, AND their customer service sucks... Dont use them!

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I almost dont know where to start. Sales people are always nice when they expect you to purchase from them. This was the case when I called P.O.D.S. From Afghanistan to have them deliver a storage unit to my home of record to temporarily store items during my deployment, then perhaps move them to another location when returning home.

Concerned on what the cost was, I asked if there was a package deal for a specific amount of time and details. The lady said she would apply a military discount (who knows if there actually is one) and it still seemed pretty high. Much higher than a conventional storage unit. I figured its the price for convenience since it would be on my property. At this point I needed something and could not be there to move my things around and had my family load my items in there for me.

The lady never told me what kind of fees would incur except when I asked the cost of moving she mentioned it would cost forty something dollars for pick up, and the first twenty miles was free. Then after that it would be just over two dollars a mile to transport after that. So I was hooked. I told her okay and set up an automatic payment.

Well, my deployment was finally over with and I returned home, only to stay on mobilization at a base about a hundred sixty miles from home. It was fine, and I didnt worry about my belongings... At first.

Once I settled in, I needed to get my gear and belongings to my sister's house which was a lot closer to base than my home was. This was the perfect opportunity to go ahead and set up movement and relocate my gear. I called P.O.D.S. To set up a pick up and drop off time for my stuff and I would be there to unload it.

Keep in mind now, they already sucked in almost two years of my money in this storage unit. I feel stupid in a way.

I spoke with a gentlemen on the phone and he located my account. He asked where I needed it moved to and I told him. He hesitated at first, then told me I wouldnt like what I would hear. Over a thousand dollars!!! I freaked out. Believe me, I didnt curse... Even though I wanted to.

So I demanded to talk to a manager. After being on hold for several minutes, I lost count since I was fuming, a supervisor picked up the phone. I dont even remember her name I was so pissed! I felt somewhat insulted that I spend a couple thousand already for almost two years of service just to be told that it would cost me over a thousand more just to move it a hundred or so miles! I rented a flatbed for a fraction of that once to move a vehicle!!!

She said she was the floor supervisor at the moment and inquired what I needed. I complained about the price and asked why they charged an arm and a leg just to move it and why I wasnt told it would cost this much when I signed up for it.

Of course she kept asking me if I told the sales person if I was moving it and if I did then she would have told me. Of course I did. I also had it on paper what the rates were. First she said, "it's transported on a flat bed" as if that would make a difference. I told her that was a rip off, and that it was 'stupid' and it doesnt even cost a hundred in gas for a trip like that with a flat bed truck! I know, since I rented one to transport a car recently, it was pretty cheap to move it.

Then she decided to tell there were extra charges for 'interfranchise' transportation. Basically saying that the truck would go all around to other locations instead of sending it straight to where you need it. I was still going nuts telling her that they are ripping people off, that I wasnt told this when getting this unit, and that I wanted to speak to higher management.

I just cant imagine what the cost would be to go halfway across the country when this rate was for only a hundred and sixty miles!

She kept telling me that no one was there and she was the highest. I got mad and told her quit playing games with me and there is Always someone of higher in a location and if not there, then give me the number to the next higher office. Then she said there was someone higher, but she didnt have a number for him... And that she would get mine.

That really set me off. I said, "You mean to tell me you dont have the number to your OWN boss that sits in the same building as you?!" On top of that, they already have my number so I continued to say, " What, so I can wait on no one to call me back? No thank you."

She put me on hold to get his number.

Then... She told me that he wasnt there and was at lunch. And that there is nothing he could do to help me even if I did call him. I havnt called back yet, but I will in a few minutes and will let you guys know if they resolve this.

As of now, Im thinking on getting a rental truck with a driver, you know... To save a thousand or so dollars. Be sure to go with another storage company than this one and inquire that they specify more deeply than the basic rates. They get around this by stating in one tiny sentence that you have to look hard for saying there may be extra fees for 'interfranchise' transportation. What the heck is that?! Thats all is says. Whatever you do... Avoid this company!!! Its a Rip-Off!!!

Company: P.O.D.S
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 5589 Rio Vista Dr
Phone: 8662294120
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