Did free reading then asked for cash for full reading decided to google name before handindg over any cash which im glad i did Cedex

Shops, Products, Services

I received an email from s/he yesterday clicked for free reading and this morning i had another email asking for a payment for a full reading but due to site asking for dollars i questioned how i would make payment due to me being in uk which i have already emailed to her/him then i decided to google the name pasqualina and it came up with alot of people who had already paid money out and got nothing in return so very pleased i checked it out before parting with cash i dont really have very convincing btw

United Kingdom

Company: Pasqualina
Country: France
State: Nationwide
Address: Cedex France
  <     >  

Ripoff Has Taken my Money USD 235, -but not supplied, do not answer to e-mails FRANCE

Pasqualina - Sara Dreder
Con Artist Ripoff money taker slime Cedex

Pasqualina World People Rambouillet
Extorting payment from credit cards

Pasqualina - Le-Web - World People
This person have took money from me and her predictions didn't come true at all

Ripoff Charged me USD29 for a computer generated clairvoyant report, full of lies. Rambouillet

Jenna Professional Astrologer
Jenna astrologer took my credit card and promised a full reading, but i never heard back from her after 3 or 4 inquiries to see if she had recieved my payment internet

Ripoff ripoff business from hell false promises

Pasqualina is a total rip off and she is not a real clairvouyant

Pasqualina world people rambouillet devil devine! Rambouillet

Google Emillionaire
Google get a google cash kit in less than 2 dollar shipping, start working at home by posting ad in google. But I never received kit and they kept on deducting 78$ per month in cc. Eagle Dr Internet