Broadway Photo
Bad service

Shops, Products, Services

12/01 ordered this camera online. 12/03 email received asking to confirm order. I called to receive an extreme and rude sales pitch to purchase additional accessories. Salesman did not want to take NO for an answer. Immediately called back and complained to their customer service department. Was assured that the camera would be shipped the next day.

12/5 email received stating the camera was on back order. According to their website today, the camera is in stock.

What a joke.

Company: Broadway Photo
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Caldwell
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Prestige Camera - Broadway Photo & Techon Digital
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Photo Dynasty
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Broadway Photo
Fraud and scam

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86th Street Photo & Video
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Fraudulent upselling false advertising rude internet scam

86th Street Photo & Video
Great advertised price on camera, hard sell on accessories, don't deliver if you don't order accessories Brooklyn, New York

Broadway Photo
Bait and switch advertising

86th Street Photo And Video