The company provides misleading information which leads to nothing deceptive company orlando internet

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I was contacted by one of options talent scouts one day after work at the time i was very vulnerable i had just appeared as an extra in a music video and the experience was a lot of fun. I decided that i would further the adventure. It was so convienent i was at my peak and ready to go full scale when i met the agent she told me that i had all the qualities to b a model and me hsving no prior experience or any idea of how the process is started fell right into thier decietful, unfaithful to there proteges scumbags. I was told to go down to a model call in which i would have an interview i was told to be dresses accordingly and to make sure that i was professional.

When i got to the call i was expecting to see professional, beautiful people inside and out and could you believe that all of these people were actually regular individula off the street. I mean i eveen ran into this guy that i saw on a bus in queens during 9/11... Thw set up was very unprofessional we were in a small room with no ventilation and it was over crowded. We were given numbers and told to wait there were underage people and rude individuals also. After that whole awful ordeal i was contacted just like they said but thats when all of the misleading information really began. I was told that i wuold have to do an over the phone interview and then i would have to wait and see if i ws accepted all of this wasbeing done over the phone which i thought was veruy unprofessional after i was told that i was accepted which over whelmed me i was then told that i had to set up arrangements to pay $595 which would put my pictures on the web site and that they would find me some work.

I took all of my savings and paid for this which left me with nothing but a dream of becoming successful. I was told that i had to wait 48 hours for the website to be active and then it would cost me and additional $19.95 per month to keep the website going and if i was not satisfied with there service thenmy pictures would still remain on the website for a whole year at no charge. I tried to log onto the website using all of the information that i was provided with but guess what no luck. I was then contacted again aftr i almost gave up on hope and my money and then i got a call. I had an interview to come in and bring pictures for my web site. I was excited i went to a photographer that i knew and he took a series of diffrent styles and poses and that costed me another undisclosed amount of money.

I then took the pictures down to the office and was told that my pictures was not good enough and that i had to use one of there photographers. They claimes that his schedule was so hectic and if i wanted him to do my portfolio i would have to come up with the least $1500 by the end of the week. I was so upset i even tried to come up with the money and then i thought about it what has thia company done for me so far but assist me in handing over my money. So i got fed up i gave up and just took the lost. I wish there was something that i could do i could imagine how much money others spent in getting their pictures and website actually set up. So after i gave up completely i got another call in which i really diddnt want was so fed up with the whole thing. I mean i am so discouraged at this point that i am not interested in modeling anymore i mean i hate to toot my own horn but i am 25 i have a 5 year old i still have a great figure and i dont look a day over 18.

I hate to let all of this go to waste. Then i was contacted by tctalent i was told that i was chossen to go to orlando florida for 2003 fashion rock for a possible modeling or acting career i was also given a list of so called famous people and magazines that were suppose to be there. The catch was i had to come up with $895 to cver certain expenses now the trip was not until march and they called me in nov to get the money claming that there were only few seats left. I told her that i was not going to put out anymore money at that time she wanted to know if i could have it in the next to two weeks. I askd for a number to reach her at she said well you could just contact me by email and she hung up. I again still thought about coming up with the money but i am not interested. The whole company should be ashamed of themselves and then they tried to switch names like the people involved would forget.

But you know what i am a victim i did not forget there is nothing right now i could do but i will pray every night and ask god to punish all of those who have done wrong or harm to us and that fradulent business that they are running will soon crumble and you never know for those of us who have professions they might need us one day to help them out of trouble. May god have mercy on there deceitful souls...

brooklyn, New York

Company: Optionstalent/TCTalent
Country: USA
Phone: 8885909994
Site: optionstalent/tctalent.com
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