Beasley Elite Realty Bradley Beasley
Bradley Beasley Poor representative as a Real Estate Agent who only looks out for himself

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I hired this real estate agent, Bradley Beasley, who when he wanted to list my house for sell promised it would be such a great and easy sell, I could get it sold with minimal cost and he would even lower his commission rate. He made it sound that he was so wonderful and he was the best in town I was promisted weekly updates, listing on both and Mobile MLS. And he would even put a mortage sign in the yard and he had just started his own mortgage company.

Then 1 week went by, two weeks went by, no lock box on property, not updates, the only advertising was onthe local Mobile MLS listed. I finally called him and now things took a more negative tone. He stated, its going to take while now, the locations isn't that great, etc, etc, I not sure why he changed his tone, now that I was obligated for 6 months to him in this contract. I had to ask him week after week had anybody called, he stated one or two interests.

I was getting pretty discouraged and I called a friend of mine and she was floored that I let him have the listings, as apparently, his name is know out here as a an unethical real estate person. He lies to his clients and adversories. So another couple weeks went by and I finally received a call from Mr. Beasley, stating that we had a offer on the house.

Naturally, I assumed he would bring it over or we could meet so I could take a look, before I asked him, he just stated the terms over the phone and asked what I thought, It took a minute or two to sink in what was said. The offer was almost insulting, 10,000 less and I would have to pay over 9000 in closing cost for the buyer he claimed he found.

Also he was represting the buyer and would be able to handle her mortage. I told him absolutely not, would I take that offer. Mr Beasley stated that would be the best that I would be able to get with the market the way it is. I told him under no circumstances would I accept thos terms, not mention I had not seen anything in writing. He was initially representing me as an single agent and I never signed a consenual dual agreement. Also, I had to ask for copies of any of my paperwork that I intially signed, to the day, I only have faxed copies.

Mr. Beasley asked what is the least that I would take for the property. At first I told him (listing was for 99,900) 90,000. He stated he would have to work the numbers for his client and told me that his buyer had no money for closing cost and I better take the offer. Another 1-2 weeks went by and he called and stated that 90,000 was not going to work could I take less, He is almost a bully to you on the phone... I state yes, 88,000 and no less.

Finally another week, he called and stated That I had a signed contract and could he send it over... I had him fax it,,, its was under the 88,000 and it was like he ws representing the buyer and I had no rights... I wsa told I needed to pay this and that as it was FHA... They wanted home warranty, carpets restrecthed, insulation in the attic added, ceiling fans added in the back bedrooms, and on and on...

At that point I wrote up my on contract and faxed it back to him... I did advise him he that not abiding by ALabama License law and I had yet to sign a consenual dual agency... Of he then faxed one over, this went back and forth for a couple more weeks and he agreed and signed a new sellers estimated closing sheet, lowing his commission to 2000.00 as long as I walked away with no less that 88,000 I agreed unwillingly, -his bullying phone calls.

Closing date was sent and I had not heard a word from my so call agent... I called the title company to get my hud, as Mr Beasley was not going to help me only his buyer. Once I got confirmation from the Title Company that I was walking away with 88,600, I was ok and ready to put of =of this behind me... 2 hours before closing I get a call from "my so called agent" he stated good news you are getting your 88600 and he kept saying I thought I was not going to get my commission on this one... Anyway thats all that was said and I told him I would see hime at the title company.

I then after about 5 minutes received a call from the title company stating that my Real Estate Agent authorized him to receive another $600 on his commission. Boy I was speachless, Bradley never even stated that to me... That was sneakly to say the least... I informed the title I never approved any such changed and to leave the HUD as is.

Of course MR Bradley called and got angry and just kept bullying and bullying me over the phone until I gave in. This is a awful way to treat a person. I just cannot believe that real esate people can get away with this. It should not be allowed for a real esate person to have a morgage company and a real estate license, its a conflict of interest and I feel that I did not recieve the services that I paid for. Hopefully someone else will not ensure these unfornate experience for selling a home...

Company: Beasley Elite Realty Bradley Beasley
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Sarland
Address: Hwy 54 South
Phone: 2514226070
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