Does NOT Pay Models for Work!

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Hi, I have a very similar story to everyone else here and hope that this report will reach as many people as possible, and STOP models from working for this company.

I worked for back in February. Around the end of April, Kelly contacted me again to work for them. I was out of town at the time, but I told her that I would not work for her company again unless they paid me for the February event. She assured me that the check would be in the mail, so as soon as I got back to town, I worked the second event... And alas... NO CHECK.

So, I started emailing Kelly about getting paid and never got any response. Finally, I logged on my account on the website and contacted Lauren, who is supposedly in charge of finances. I was then contacted on May 9 and told that the check was "resent, " but it would take 5-10 business days. Now tell me... What mail services takes up to 10 days to deliver a piece of mail??? Especially from California to Nevada!!!

That was the last straw, so I had my manager contact them by phone but Lauren was "too busy" to return calls and would only email him back. So finally he sent this email:

Hi Lauren,
We represent Sxxx.
She worked for you Feb 2nd - 5th 2008 at the SHOT show in Las Vegas. The job was booked thru Kelly.

Miss Bxxxxx is extremely upset that despite the contract term stating full payment would be received within 60 days we are now above and beyond 90 days and still no payment. We understand that you allegedly mailed a check last Friday (seven days ago now) via usps, but it has not arrived and The fact that you are constantly avoiding a telephone conversation along with an enormous trail of bad conduct blogs about your company on the internet, increases our suspicion that the check was not mailed and that you have little to no intention of honoring the contract. (incidentally we mail documents from our London office via regular snail mail and they arrive in the states 5 days later so please dont insult us with your stories of " 5 to 10 business days ", If you have experienced problems previously with usps then it is your professional duty to use other methods of delivery that are more trustworthy, particularly once you are in breach of contract.)

There is no excuse for your behavior so in consideration of your conduct we are going to lay out clearly what your next steps are:

1. You will cancel the check that was sent last Friday if indeed one was even sent.

2. We are going to give you two options: either over night fed ex a new check to Miss Bxxxxx at her hotel in Los Angeles where she is currently working for us or wire the money in to her account TODAY.

3. If we do not get response to this e mail we will commence legal action.

We await your request for the address or wire information.

I was at last paid for ONE event, and she wired the money directly to my account.

I have yet to be paid for the second event I worked. Thankfully, I only worked one day, but still it is for over $200. I have realized that I will probably never be paid.

You obviously will have to take legal action, or threaten with legal action, against this company to get paid for the work that you did.

The most ironic thing since all of this... Is that I still receive emails for job offers!!! Are you serious??? DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY, I REPEAT YOU WILL NOT GET PAID!!!

This is not a way to do business and is absolutely ridiculous. I will only work for local agencies now and I will make sure that nobody I know falls into this trap.

Country: USA
Phone: 8584905602
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Non-payment, In CONTRACT VIOLATION - Promomodels
Non-payment breach of contract scam
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