Manhata Profesonal Group
This company will milk you for everything you have and make it out to be your fault! New York New York

Shops, Products, Services

We were referred to this company as part of setting up our online business that we started with Stores ONline and PMI. I bet there is a connection somewhere. They adviced us to become a S-corp and use their tax services to help with this.

We were set up with several phone conference appt. Which we assumed (incorrectly) were tax couseling appointments they turned out to be sales appointments to sell us more services (essentioal plans, registered agnt, pro, bookkeeping, payroll, etc...)

We ere told these services were important components if you wanted the IRS to acknowlede you as a corporation and be able to take advantage of the corporate tax laws.

We were told these services were tax deductible which is true. However when I told them we couldn't make the payments on the services (they were having us put the cost on credit cards) even if we got back every penny we paid in to taxes for the year we were told that we could get back more than we paid in because the government invests in you because when your business grows you will be paying moe in taxes.

I doubted the truth of this statement and told them so. They firm stood behind their statement and even went as far as saying we could get back as much as $. 30 on the dollar of our business investments. We trusted the so called experts and found out the truth when we got the first return from them. THEY LIED!!! And now have the nerve to act like we some how caused the problem.

In addition to selling services supposedly to get tax benefits using fraudlent statements, they failed to dompetently prepar our rturn. Bookkepping and accounting both told me I couldn't claim deductions that I know I can take and after reviewing the 3rd return and still not having it right we had to take it to a different firm.

After all this the only contacts we have had are to ask us the same questions over and over, and claim we didn't give them the opportunity to fix the problem. For this much money I think three tries is to many and how do you correct fraud.

We can't even dispute the charges because it is past the 90 days that we can due to the fact that bookeeping and accounting took so long. I doubt that is a coincidence.

Do not do not do not do business with this company!

Company: Manhata Profesonal Group
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
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Consumer Report

Jim Crimmins Completely messed up setting up the business structure

The Tax Remedy
Tax Remedy charged us to do our taxes WRONG, then copied the tax forms we did on our own to correct theirs

The Tax Club
The Tax Club, No Services, refuse to refund money, Thieves! Ripoff

Certified Payment Processing
Selling Credit card services like Time Shares or Used cars Internet

The Tax Club
Stay away from them

The Tax Clu
Consumer Report

Done Deal Marketing Group
I paid $1350 for them for marketing services and after months got nothing

Liberty Online Services aka ILD Teleservices
Very Fraudulent Business Used My Own Words to Rip Me Off!

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Wealth Information Network - WIN COaching - The Tax Club - Manhattan Professional Group - Advantage Corp ripoff I fell for it