Pacific Bell and American Agencies
Pacific Bell & American Agencies ripoff & extortion

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After I asked Pacific Bell to turn off my account before i moved to utah, they did NOT.

My tenants used the phone. I called Pacific Bell Numerous times to say i should not have to pay for 3 extra months of phone bills when i specifically asked them to turn it off at a set date. I can prove i no longer lived at that address after the requested turn-off date.

They would not work with me.

2 years later i saw them on my credit report, decided i would try to work with them again. No one would listen. They say my account is accruing late fees on a daily basis. I thought collection agencies weren't legally allowed to charge late payments on debt that they bought. They specifically said they bought the debt. I digress.

I was first charged 800. This was way too much. I have been willing to pay a fraction to make it go away for a while. They will not settle, but will only allow full payment of this account, which is now 1100. THIS IS PURE EXTORTION! My credit is screwed because of them, and even though i'm willing to pay a portion of this exorbitant unfair amount, they have to bleed me for every drop.

I can't begrudge American Agencies, they do Pac Bell's bidding. But i think the whole thing is a big racket and i can't help but feel completely violated.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Company: Pacific Bell and American Agencies
Country: USA
State: California
City: Torrance
Phone: 3102120400
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