AT&T Universal Card
The sneaky underhanded ripoff attempt

Shops, Products, Services

I made a purchase of over $1,200.00 on 11/24/00. After many promises to deliver all the furniture, the merchant delivered only part of my purchase (some of it damaged and mismatched).

I contacted AT&T Universal Card Services (800) 423-4343 and placed the amount of the furniture not delivered in dispute. I was repeatedly given misleading information as to what I had to do to place the purchase in the end, AT&T Universal Card Services representatives advised me to place the entire amount in dispute.

I sent over 4 letters detailing my problem and the exact amount of what I was requesting refunded. After several months and to my surprise, AT&T Universal Card Services credited my account for the full amount of the original purchase.

At around the same time, I also received a credit from the merchant totaling around $400.00 for the furniture not delivered. I informed AT&T about the credits and was told and sent letters stating the dispute was found in my favor and my account was due to be credited in full.

On October AT&T Universal Card Services sent me a letter asking if I had received a credit from the merchant and if I was satisfied with the outcome of the dispute. I responded and to my surprise, I received a charge of the entire disputed amount reappearing on my account exactly on year to the date of the original purchase.

Unfortunately for me, I had just taken a $5,000.00 cash advance (at a rate of 5.9%). This amount combined with the reappearing charge made my account go over the credit limit and consequently yielded over the limit fees and an interest rate hike to 24.9%.

I immediately contacted the company and they basically refused to place the item in dispute and reverse anything. After several inquiries and letters, I was not being assisted. I contacted the Better Business Bureau to no avail (AT&T Universal Card Services failed to respond), and finally contacted a local legal aid service.

The company responded to the lawyer and eventually credited my account in full, reversed fees, adjusted rates, and sent me documentation fully stating what had occurred.

The only thing I was not satisfied with was that they "respectfully declined" to notify credit reporting agencies that I had been over the limit. Their excuse was that my account did go over the limit when the charge reappeared and that the information was updated on a monthly basis and would be useless now.

Please contact me if you need any assistance. Additionally, I've also had problems with AT&T phone service. Unfair business practice seems to be a trend with this company.

Alta Loma, California

Company: AT&T Universal Card
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
Address: 701 EAST 60TH STREET NORTH P.O. BOX 6034
Phone: 8004234343
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