JD Marvel Co
J.D. Marvel Rip-off Took my ck 3 mos ago and haven't shipped product yet ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

Sent a check on 8/8/02 for a clearvue super booster mini-dish antenna. Check was cashed 8/14/02 and I have not received the merchandise yet.

Have received several notices that item would be shipped. Last notice indicated it would be shipped twoo weeks ago, still no merchandise

Limerick, Pennsylvania

Company: JD Marvel Co
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Phone: 8885509811
Site: info@jdmarvelproducts.com
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J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ordered Clearvue Super Booster Indoor Mini-dish Antenna paid for months ago have not received it. Deceptive company ripoff scammed

J.D. Marvel Products
JD Marvel Products Never received product ordered check has been cashed

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc ripoff consumer fraud ClearVue Super Booster Indoor Mini-Dish TV/FM Antenna

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
JD Marvel Products Inc fraudulent ripoff business Champlain

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ripoff

J.D. Marvel Products, Inc
J.D. Marvel Products rip-off did not receive merchandise I paid fo

JD Products Inc ripoff never sent product

JD Marvel Prosucts Inc
JD Marvel Products ripoff

J.D. Marvel Products
JD Marvel Products Never delivered product, ripoff

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products Inc Advertising a super Antenna Booster for $12.95 SH $3.95 Sent check 6-24-02 Never reeived merchandise called was stalled excuses all time consumer fraud ripoff N