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Tonight I signed into Go-daddy after receiving an email advertising domain names for $. 99. For 1 year. I found my name was available and selected a one year subscription. Once that was done I was offered the same name in:. Mobi., at pricing from $9.99 and up. I passed on that offer and selected CONTINUE to proceed to check-out at which time another offer popped up on the screen with versions of the domain name I was about to purchase. This time they were offered at $9.99 for one year with a 30% discount making the pair $14.00 FOR 1 year. I decided to purchase the additional versions, as well as name. The above scenario was repeated only this time was unavailable and I was offered versions of the new name. However, when I actually tried to check out, 2 of the names offered and accepted had disappeared from my cart and replaced by only one of the offered names. However, this time the price was more than 5 TIMES THE AMOUNT I had been offered. I was disappointed but not surprised. This was not the first time.

But this time I was better prepared and was actually printing every screen as it appeared. Thus I was able to confirm what I had previously suspected: Go-daddy, for FOR ALL ITS purported HIGH MINDEDNESS IS ACTUALLY STEALING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY FROM FROM ITS CUSTOMERS. The pattern seems to be: You, the CUSTOMER CONCEIVE A "BRAND NAME" FOR your BUSINESS AND CONTACTS the COMPANY TO LEGITIMATELY REGISTER your NEW "COMPANY BRAND." Go-daddy pretends to register the name for the advertised price but instead you are ripped-off because a derivation of the name is inflated and another version is stolen, completely. You are ripped-off on the lower value version of the name, such,, ETC., because you cost is higher than what was advertised and what was offered while shopping with in their website during which Go-daddy pilfers the or other version. I have to believe this is the case because the name simply disappeared from my order and could not be retrieved by the salesman when I called the company. The salesman who said he would recreate the transaction in order to resolve the discrepancy. However, he either could or would not. Go-Daddy's sales practices are a TRUE RIPOFF, RIPOFF. Ripoff!

Company: GoDaddy
Country: USA
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