CCS aka First National Merchantcard
Ripoff fraudulent business

Shops, Products, Services

After two days of searching the internet for information about this company (and not finding anything) I came across this website. I can't say I was shocked by what I read but it told me what I should have already known: If it's sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't fall into this trap like I ALMOST did.

Littleton, Colorado

Company: CCS aka First National Merchantcard
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 61 West Utah, Suite 63
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Cca First National Merchantcard
Cca first national merchantcard is a scam

CCA, Credit Service Divison, The First National Merchantcard, CCA (catalog) Shopping Network
CCA Credit Service Divison, First National Merchantcard, bogus garbage catalog, Shopping Network ripoff

Merchantcard Division Of CCS
Merchantcard Division Of CCs ripoff, tried to bribe me

CCA-The First National MerchantCard
The First National Merchant Card CCA Rip-off

CCS, first national
"merchantcard" ripoff dirty SOB's, thanks consumer complaints

Cca - First National Merchantcard
Ripoff FRAUDULENT CATALOG COMPANY Thanks for the warning!

CCS Shopping Network
Capital Credit Alliance ripoff scam

CCA First National Credit Card
Rip-Off! Don't Even Try!

First National Card Aka First National Merchantcard Aka Cca
First National Card Aka First National Merchant card Aka Cca ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

The First National Merchantcard
THE FIRST NATIONAL MERCHANT CARD rip-off victimized many consumers