John Borzellino, The Roman Group, Digit 7 Partners, Roman Realty
Report: John Borzellino, The Roman Group, Roman Realty, Digit 7 Partners STOLE my retirement money, 401k money, IRA money and my sons college fund money. Carlsbad California

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Report: John Borzellino, The Roman Group, Roman Realty, Digit 7 Partners STOLE my retirement money, 401k money, IRA money and my sons college fund money.

The following paragraphs below depict the deciept, lies, and total dishonest relations i have had with john borzellino (a.K.A. John ross) who represents the roman group, roman realty and digit 7 partners. He stole over $325,000.00 from my wife and i. He has also stolen from several business associate of mine. If you come across this man, run. Do not do any business with him!

Another victim of John Borzellino: (

And another:

My wife and I met John Borzellino, also known as John Ross. He located me thru a for rent ad I had placed in the local paper. He called me looking for investors in the Lease Purchase program he had set up in his San Diego office. After meeting with him in Orlando Florida, we were convinced by John to travel to San Diego to learn about his Lease Purchase program. Once we arrived in San Diego, John offered a very promising partnership instead. This was the beginning of a long and disastrous partnership. From this point on, all John has done is lie to us telling us we were investing in various different entities within the organization.

Unfortunately to date I have yet to see any of these other entities. Our initial investment of $5000.00 is what he called a no B.S. Fee. To tell him we are serious about investing and learning. Once we met with him in San Diego a business plan was laid out that included me quitting my permanent job and working from home building this business with his mentorship as a partner. He agreed to pay me $5000 a month once I left my job to build this business. (That lasted 2 months and he stopped paying. He then said he was broke!). The very first assignment was to run an ad in the local paper in Ft. Lauderdale area looking for mortgage brokers for a full time position paying a $100,000.00 salary plus percentages. After receiving over 100 resumes via fax, all the appointments were made to meet with each of the brokers for an interview. Each broker meet with us in our personal suite at some high dollar hotel for what they thought was for this position. As it turns out, I find out afterwards that not only is there no real position, but there is no real salary for the position as well. So we basically took each one of the brokers away from there daily activities to help support there families, to interview for a fictional position with The Roman Group. Each of these brokers was given the same 10 to 15 minute dialogue as to how we do a Lease Purchase, and also to find out about there background. If they were interested in pursuing the program, then they would do the same as I. Pay the $5000 fee to John, (Who by the way tells them the fee is donated to a charity organization, which its not.). Once the fee is paid, they would then have there credit run to see if they qualify to purchase a house in the southern California area for investment. Of course the house is put into each individuals own name so the Roman Group and of course John Borzellino would not be responsible for them. Should you go thru with the purchase, the program was designed to then lease purchase the house to The Roman Group who would then be liable for all mortgage payments, taxes, and of course finding a buyer/Lease December John then tells all of the clients/investors/partners that Digit 7 Partners is closing it doors and all the investors are now responsible for there own properties. He told me he lost $30 million dollars in 2007. At this time all property owners who purchased and relied on The Roman group and Digit 7 Partners have unoccupied properties with huge mortgage payments to make. I am personal friends with one of those persons, and she had to declare BANKRUPTCY because of John and his misleading and lying ways. I on the other hand was fortunate enough to have never closed on a house. This of course does not mean that I have not lost any of my savings, 401k's and IRA's etc... To date John has taken me for over $325,000.00. This money my wife and I invested came from all the previously mentioned accounts. These investments were done on 3 separate occasions. The initial investment is what he called a consulting investment. The only consulting consisted of trying to convince others to give there savings to him to invest in this so called lease purchase program and other business entities. There were other investment opportunities that John said the money would be used for as well. Here's a list of the some of the investment opportunities he claimed to be available:
1). A kid show for mentoring. "Mentor Mania" (It never took place)
2). Property was supposedly available in Sicily for development. (Never Happened)
3). Condo's on the beach in Mexico for investing in. (Never happened)
4). Warren Buffet investment opportunities. (Never Happened)

There are several others, none of which ever were available, or if they were, never seen.

Over the entire 10 months of dealing with John, I have accumulated at least 6 different tape recordings of him making promises he has never kept. Also I have close to 100 emails from him making false statements, promises, and of course he has never come thru with any of them.

If you ever come across john borzellino, "run". He is out to lie to you to get all of your savings, 401k's, ira's, and anything else he can get with no intent of ever keeping any promises he ever makes! He lives in carlsbad california with his wife sharon borzellino. He is always trying to speak at any real estate investment club that will have him. If you ever happen to attend a seminar of his, ask him how much money he has made from lease purchase properties with his name on the deed? I gaurentee the answer will be none! But then again he will probably lie to you anyway.

If you ever come across any of these books:
Rags to Riches, Rags to Destiny, Peakwalkers, Lease Purchase America, Change is Power. Do not read these books, use them for fire wood. All of these books are written by John and unfortunately he does not practice what he writes.

Jim xxxxxxx
Davie, Florida

Company: John Borzellino, The Roman Group, Digit 7 Partners, Roman Realty
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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