The Swaby Law Firm, LLC
Fraud, Forged Signature, Unethical Work Practices, Discrimination

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I began working with the Swaby Law Firm in October of last year. Within a few days I began to realize that Attorney Lola Swaby was very unethical in numerous ways. She ripped off clients by overcharging them for work that she didn't even addition she refused to deal with clients and was subjecting me to having to deal with clients who were angry with her and disappointed with her work. She threatened me in losing my job if I didn't sign court documents when she was out of town on vacation. During the time that I was there I raised the standards, work was finally getting done, clients were becoming happy and the firm was finally being run as a firm.

Attorney Swaby ripped me off in many ways: (1) first she re-nigged on our agreed salary; (2) she allotted me vacation days, sick days, personal days, snow days and some federal holidays which I was eligible for after the 90 days probationary period. After the 90 days she decided to give me another letter changing the timeframe to 6 months simply because she did not want to pay me for Martin Luther King Day; (3) she gave me an advanced pay of $1400 which was repayable in $100 increments every 2 weeks. After the first payment she terminated me because I expressed how I felt about many of her practices. She then later forged my name on a document called a "Confession of Judgment" and filed it with the court. The fact that someone can do that and get away with it simply because she is an attorney is simply unacceptable, but due to the fact that she knows that there is almost no recourse she will continue to lie, cheat, manipulate, disrespect and abuse not only her employees but her clients.

Attorney Swaby has behaved in many immoral and unethical manner and simply because there is that unwritten code of ethics amongst attorneys that they do not want to go after other attorneys. She even violated my rights by making a discriminatory statement to me on my last day stating to her sister that "this is the reason why we didn't want any black people working in our office".

I responded to her court filings and she responded with more lies and more documents that she made up and cannot produce originals, where is the justice. I know that there are several clients out there who would file complaints against her if only they felt that something would be done.

She needs to be stopped because someone like her should not be practicing any form of law. The Supreme Court in each state sets standards that governs attorneys but what's the use of having them if attorneys like her are allowed to continue to practice.

Company: The Swaby Law Firm, LLC
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Stroudsburg
Address: 560 Main Street, Suite 2E
Phone: 5704310177
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