Explore Talent
Scammed by Explore Talent for $199.50 for membership that's actulally FREE!

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I received a text message on my cell phone about a casting call for Deal or No Deal. It seemed so real to me because I had just done research about where the auditions were being held in certain cities for the Deal or No Deal. I called the number and it was EXPLORE TALENT who stated that I had been a member for a while and they had not heard from me for a long time. I did not remember signing up with them but as I thought back, I had but nothing ever came from it. Darrell told me I should sign up because I had at least 16 request from Casting Directors who were looking at my pictures and wanted me for certain shows. I told him I did want to sign up because I would love to audition for the parts. He told me to give him my credit card number... Stupid me... So I gave hime my credit card number. He gave me the information about the audition for Deal or No Deal. He told me he would e-mail the other auditions that were waiting. He also gave me a username and password for me to check the website for auditions that are lined up for me. I received a call from the credit department confirming authourization to charge my credit card. When I arrived home, I checked the website for all of the auditions that were supposedly lined up and waiting but there were no auditions... No e-mail confirming anything we had spoken about... Nothing. I checked the website and the membership is FREE. You must submit yourself to anything that interest you. I have no problem with that part. The part that frustrates me is the fact that they scammed the membership money when there is no memebership fee. It says "JOIN FOR FREE" right on the website. They use different scenarios for different people. It's amazing because just yesterday, Tyra Banks said on her show that if you have to pay for anything to be a model or actress then it is a "SCAM". Be careful!

Company: Explore Talent
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Phone: 3237852000
Site: www.exploretalent.com
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Actors Club
To audition for this casting call, The Actors Club Casting is a scam

The Actors Club
Explore Talent, talent hunter Scam thousands of aspiring actors out of money by false castings, and having them pay to join a fake site

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Is A Scam scam, lies, misleading, thieves

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ExploreTalent.com I believe that is a Scam! San Francisco California

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Explore Talent
Explore talent is a scam... Scam... Scam!