Ripoff, con-artist, liers and cheater. Dream stealers

Shops, Products, Services

After submitting my manuscript to PA. I was overjoyed when I received my contract. I should have done my homework and check out this company before hand and I would have saved myself a lot of heartache. They claimed to edit my book, only to send the same mistakes back to me. You can never communicate with any one over the phone, when you do confront them in an e-mail they are very rude and offensive. I submitted my suggestions for a book cover and received the identical suggestions that I submitted.

I literally cut and pasted colored paper together similar to what a 2 year old would do. The cover design department used the exact artwork as my jacket cover. Needless to say I was appalled. That is when I knew I made a mistake. A mistake that would last 7 years. Someone needs to put this company out of business. They are stealing dreams and eventually is going to piss of the wrong person. I pray to GOD that they will let me out of my contract, but I hope that they will be put out of business first. Let's all work together to shut them down.

Fayetteville, Georgia

Company: Publishamerica
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Frederick
Address: 2514 E. 15th Ave
Phone: 3016951707
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Publish America
False Advertising

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RIPOFF fradulent contract for seven years, will not market books, says they are traditional when they are not

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Publish America
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Publish America

False advertisement and unprofessional conduct

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Consumer Report