Complaints 1 &2 Debra K Darling Of Hollyhock Persian Cattery
Debra K Darling & Michelle L Casserd 2 bad cat breeders I had the unfortunate experience dealing with

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Complaint Against:

Breeder: Debra K Darling
Cattery: Hollyhocks Persians
Address: 2912 Chestnut Street
City: Riverside, Ca 92501
Phone: 951-781-4979
Complaintant: Rose Marie Zizzo
Date: 1998 thru 2000

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My experience with Debra K Darling for 3 years

Date: Tue, 30 July 11:19: 30 -0700
Time: Tue, 30-Jul 18:19: 29 GMT IP:
Lesson # 1The reason why this page is here to express what happened to me dealing with 2 particular persian cat breeders from California and their breeding practices.

I honestly feel things do happen for a reason and there is something we must get out of a particular experience even though at the time it was truely a nightmare at the time it is happening. To express how I was treated from a regular church going, professed christian lady and her friend, Michelle Casserd, with great hopes this will help you become aware of them, and give you the opportunity to make up your own mind whether you want to deal with them, if you ever come across them, dealing with cats as I have.

The 2 breeders are: Debra Darling from Riverside California who has the name of Hollyhock Persians, not even a registered CFA name! And Debra Darling's friend Michelle Casserd from Thousand Palms, California, her cattery name is Karoun Persians. They both have cat web sites in geocites yahoo & Tripod.

I meet Debra Darling about 3 years ago around 1998 or so. I was looking for a kitty in the paper and came across her ad in the Press Enterprise newspaper. She seemed like a very nice person, and I called her quite often about cats, and she would talk about her life, how busy it was and different things like that. Debra Darling can talk a blue strek, non stop talking, and she can go on forever and ever, is how much she talk, and its all about her life.

I did end up buying a cream and white boy from her for only $150.00 and that was with breedig rights! Talk about selling your kittys cheap! This kitty did have ringworm on the underneath of his foot and I did mention this to her. Well we came to talking and Debra Darling was looking for a himalayan so, I told her I had a blue cream himmy girl and a shaded silver male. That is when I learned about trading kittys. I never knew anything about this before I meet her.

So in actuality Debra Darling was kind of a mentor to me in persians and in California. So I ended up giving her the blue cream girl named Hanna and the shaded silver boy named Oliver, who was only about 6 months old, to her along with their papers, and I truly dont remember what she gave me as a trade.

I talk to about cats, so I thought. So to show Debra Darling my appreciation of friendship I went and bought her a white blue eyed female and gave it to her as a gift. I gave the kitty to her and she did not even say thank you or nothing. I wondered to myself, if I did the right thing, I got sort of a funny kind of feeling, but just shrugged it off.

The next morning I got a call from Debra Darling telling me 'to come and pick up the kitty I just gave her as it has ring worm I can not have a kitten with ring worm'. So I drove all the way to Riverside to get the kitten and she just opened the door, just enough to hand me a screaming kitty and shut the door. That kitten was screaming bloody murder. Then I started realize something was not correct here.

Lesson # 2 There comes that funny feeling again, but again I just shrugged it off, I guess we just over look things when we want to keep a friendship with someone. I ended up clearing up the ring worm and someone came to adopt the blue eyed girl. Through that experience I said to myself, "I will never buy a gift for anyone again to be friends with them." Because I think that is what I was doing, just to keep a friend, we tend to over look things other people do, and put up with their quirks just to keep them on as friends, but in reality they are not friends they are just acquaintences.

I use to look in the paper every single morning for what kind of kittys were in the Press Enterprise and Orange County Register, and Debra Darlings ads were almost always running. And I mentioned this to her. And then I asked Debra how come you do not have a cfa cattery name?', she said "it costs too much money." Then I asked Debra 'how come she does not show her kittys since they are flat faced?', she said she does not like to, she wants to do her own thing and cant deal with shows." But I said to her, ' you can let the judges get a look at your cats and tell you what they think about them.' 'So you know what you are breeding.' She said "she have to be out of my mind to go to a show and deal with all those show people."' Now this is not excately what she said, but close to it. I did learn alot from Debra about raising kittens and all and I do appreciate that very much, but like I said things happen for a reason.

Lessons From Life # 3

I came to deal with a person named Michelle Casserd, she is a cat breeder and friend of Debra Darling. She lives in Thousand Palms, California and Debra Darling told me Michelle Casserd had an odd eye white for sale. So we spoke on the phone and made arrangements that I would pay a little each month for 4 months. I really like the kitty and all but I was still not feeling too good and so I asked Debra Darling if Michelle Casserd would take back her kitty? And it seems the kitty did get ring worm from me, and could I get back the money I already placed on it? And Debra said to me, 'since the kitty got ring worm from you I dont feel Michelle Casserd will give you back your money you put into this kitty thus far.' So there I lost $100.00 on that.

Then Michelle wanted to know if I would 'keep the kitty and she would reduce the price', I said, ' I cant.' So time went by and I was feeling a little better and moved back to the back 2 bedroom deplex with the big screened in patio porch area.

Date: Thu, 22 Aug 15:54: 06 -0700
Subject: Debra Darling~Hollyhock Persians~Riverside, CA
Lessons From Life # 4 March

At me how to use it and all and I had a brief communiction with Michelle Casserd, we spoke on the phone and then email a few times and she has been a friend of Debra Darling for over 15 years. Debra Darling told me this. Any how we got talking about kittys and and I mentioned to Michelle Casserd about Debra Darlings cats and this is excately what Michelle said about Debra Darling, her friend of 15 years. I will actually quote this. "Debra dont care at all about her cats", "she is doing it just for the money." Well I just could not believe she would talk bad about her own friend for 15 years. I never told Debra Darling about this because I did not want to start any trouble and just let it go. After that brief encounter we did not talk no more.

I made a decision to move. So now I am starting to get really stressed, I said to myself, who is gonna take me now with my cats? How will I get a place to live? Where am I a gonna live?

I will have to sell my cats and possessions because I had too much for me to deal with since I am still recovering from the smoking, and still and this is truly causing me to get ill now.

So the major part of belongings that were cat related I called up the Romona Animal Shelter thrift shop, (which is a store to make money for the cat shelter in town) and asked them to come and get some stuff for the store it was a good truck load of stuff. Having that much stuff gone helped me a little, because it was less possessions I had to lift and carry. Then I was starting to feel more stressed and that stopped me from breathing and I started to panic and made 2 trips to the shelter and brought about 5 cats there included 1 I bought from Debra Darling that was gonna have babies in a few more weeks.

Then could help me and told her I brought 5 cats down to the shelter and one kitty was having a c-section at the vet (it took me 2 years to pay for that operation) and that she could have all my stuff and cats because I was really sick and had to move.

Well Debra Darling had her husband borrow his company's flat bed truck a big truck an loaded the truck. It took a good hour & a half to load everything, is how much stuff I had, worth or cats and cages and supplies. The day before Debra Darling came over I gave her $200.00 in cash, to go get the cats I placed in the shelter, because now I would have to pay $50.00 each for them just to get them out. Debra Darling did came to get all of them cats and the ones at the vets.

Now as Debra Darling husband was loading the large truck, Debra Darling kept saying over and over to me, about 3-4 times, '"are you sure you want me to have all of this?' At the point I was in I did not even know if I would be alive the next second and found it very difficult to even talk to her while she was there. I truly felt like I was gonna expire soon and fast. There was so much stuff I guess the worth was about $3,000.00 or more, if someone had to buy all this stuff for themselves.

Let me give you a list of some of the things Debra Darling took, while seeing dollar signs in her eyes. 13 cages I made, the cages were around 4 feet long 2 feet wide, 22 inchess high, with floors, shelves and doors, they were very well constructed, they alone covered 1/2 of the large truck bed, dishs, cat beds, pedigrees, cfa papers signed over Debra Darling, medicines, grooming supplies, you name it I had it. All in all there were 8 very large garbages full to the brim with cat supplies there was so much stuff it took a good 1 hour to 1 hour & 1/2 to just load all of it.

Not mentioning all the cats worth hundreds of dollars each. All in all I would say Debra Darling got about $3,000.00-4,000.00 worth of cats and supplies from me while I was going to my death bed.

If she was a decent human being she could have seen I was so ill I will just hold all this for her until she gets better. But not Debra Darling, she saw dollar signs in her eyes when she came to my house to get those things. That is why I placed on the page the icon of the person with $ signs blinking.

About 6 months later she called me up asking me if I wanted Ting Tang Too back and I said yes, he came with a very bad scratch in his eye, and that did not clear up for almost 1 year. SHe gave me back Butterscotch a female queen, my cfa year book a few cat beds and some needles and then. Debra says, "I still owe her $400.00 for butterscotch since she took care of her."

Meanwhile she sold all my cats, the kittens she had, and told me she lost so many kittens and cats bringing my cats to her house, she could never make up for the lose she lost, so I have to pay for butter sctoch. And I told her if she did not give me butterscotch cfa papers I would tell every one about what she did to me and about her breeding practices, and that is how this site got started. Because of Michelle Casserd, Debra K Darling good friend, writing that terrble letter about me. To read that very letter Contact Us and we will email it to you.

Dated: September 23 at 02:30: 07
Subject: Re: Debra Darling~Hollyhock Persians~ Riverside, CA
Lessons From Life # 5 I was suppose to be getting a kitty from Whimsy that was her chinchilla golden and before she was preganant she distinctly told me she, "has to really watch it with her because the last litter was really hard for her and she could not get the kittens out." This was about 6 months before she said she may never breed her again because she had a concern she could not have another litter. Whimsy was only 8 years old. Well any how Whimsy did get pregant and she does not know how? It was 1 weeks before she was due and Debra called me up crying telling me, "Whimsy just died on the kitchen floor with all her babies inside". I never felt so bad in my life. I made a memorial on her site for Whimsy, but little did I know, Debra Darling did not want that in her site! I wonder why? (Do you know that the only reason Debra Darling called me telling me this is because I was suppose to get a kitten from this litter.

Then about 3-4 months before that Debra Darling told me 2 more of her males died because of, crystalized urine. It is true that she does have alot of cats die because she did not take care of her 30-40 & up cats the way they are suppose to be treated.

Since Debra is a very busy 24-7 person, taking care of her "out of the house grown children", she does not have any time to care for all the cats that she has, and buy the way they are all in cages, that I made.

I was starting to feel better in life and I had meet a Himalayan breeder her name is Melanie Lowry of Lollimops Himalayans, who offered me a trade. I requested I wanted a cream point girl with a pug nose, show quality she said she only has a boy with a flat nose in between the eyes, and I would get that kitty and I would give her a silver pet quality and that was agreeable.

I placed his photo on my web site and stated where the kitty came from. Well Michelle Casserd emails me and asks me why would a himalayan breeder give you a show quality kitty for a pet silver? And then she wanted to know if this breeder had any ring worm..

Well then I found out that Michelle Casserd wrote to this himalayan breeder and said bad things about me, and then Michelle wrote to me and said bad things about this himalayan breeder. I said, "what is going on here?" I will enclose the letter she wrote about me. To read this horrible letter please Contat Us & we will email it to you., to the himalayan breeder, and in turn the himalayan breeder sent me the letter because I requested it.

Now as I mentioned to you before Michelle Casserd nor even Debra Darling knew nothing at all about me, never asked me nor cared to ask me about myself. I called Debra Darling about the letter her friend. Michelle Casserd wrote to me and Debra tells me, "she is sorry that Michelle Casserd caused so much trouble and if this is going to be an on going thing I can not deal with it until after Easter.

Is this a good friend or what? So I say to Debra Darling, how can you be a friend with this kind of person for 15 years, and not know what kind of person she is?' I asked her, "why is she a christian associating with her that she is a trouble maker and a gossip.?" And I went on, Well ya know the real truth of it is I am glad all this happened because the real truth came out and I know that Debra Darling and her Michelle Casserd are the same kind of person.

I just wanted to share with who ever wants to read this just the kind of people we are dealing with. I cant believe women are so wicked and caddy and such troublemakers, and such gossip.

So about me, I just let Debra know the kind of person she really is and how she treated me all these 3 years and that I do not respect her anymore, and even though she treated me like dirt I do forgive her, but I want to stay far away from this kind of person who goes to church every sunday and tells people she is a christian, and tells people to pray for her. I was so distraught over the letter, because I never experienced anything like this in my entire life. I took down Debra's web site I made for her and told her to get her friend Michelle Casserd to make one for you, as she made her own..

Well they changed the password and still has the site up I made instead of making their own, that site was worth about $500.00 if she had to go out and pay for it. Then I will enclose the letter I got from Michelle Casserd about it I told Debra, 'that if she did not give me the cfa papers for my own cat I would tell anyone I could about dealing with her for the 3 years. Michelle calls that a threat, what to tell people about my experiences with dealing with Debbie? What does Debra have to hide?

And basically that is the end of the story and I leave it up to you to judge who is right and who is wrong and who is the peace makers and the trouble makers. I will not discuss this with anyone, I know no one is perfect in this life, I know I am not perfect, I will leave them to their own devices and they both will have to answer to God. I am not a mad anymore, all I am doing is expressing what happened to me with these 2 persian cat breeders, that is all~

I tried very hard to write this very objectively and not bring forth any opinions of my own, but rather just tell the story how it unfolded and what I experienced with these 2 persian cat breeders Debra Darling & her friend of 20 years Michelle Casserd. There is just one more posting that will come after this one about what Michelle Casserd said about the kittens she sells
The kind of kittens Michelle Casserd sells have truly very seriouss problems. SHe has one queens that does not know how to eat on her own. She was feed by hand from birth and she does not know how to eat on her very own, if she did she would starve to death. That is just one issue with the kinds of cats Michelle Casserd has. So lets just say she has a lot of very special needs kitty. SHow quaility or not they have special needs.

From: Shar-Dew
Subject: Debra Darling~ Hollyhock Persians
Time: Wed, 31-Jul 17:13: 58 GMT
If you would see the condition her cats are in, I cant even believe she takes pictures of them in the condition they are in, isnt she a shame, people will find out about her? Just go to her site and look at the condition her cats are in. Just go to her web site and look at the matted fur of her main male stud she uses to death. Look at each cat, especially Little Girl, look at all the mats, and she has the nerve to take pictures of these kittys and and yet place them on her own web site.

And what she is doing to the colors, she may be having bi-colors with blue eyes but they only have 1 good eye, which means the other eye they can not see out of. They are genetically messed up. Debra Darling is destroying coats and eye colors of all she gets her hands on, its a shame.

How do I know this? I use to associate with her for 3 years and she told me all this stuff herself. I would advice anyone who wants to buy a kitten either as a pet or a breeder or show, to be very careful to ask their name and the name of their cattery.

5/13/03 I received a post from "Brannaway" persians and I asked them, "Did you see the condition she is keeping her GRC Brannaway Attum in? They made one remark, "yes sadly I did."!

Debra K Darling also said, "she does not drive the kittys to the air port alone, she has to have her husband do the driving, because she cant drive that far by herself. Debra K Darling told me, "when she shipped a kitty it defecated all over the cage & feces was all over the kitty itself and the buyer was really very upset."

Every word in this page was told directly to me by: Debra K. Darling herself. Debra K Darling is an loose-tongued continuious talker, & that is why there is so much information from her... 2nd Complaint Against:

Breeder: Debra K Darling
Cattery: Hollyhocks Persians
Address 2912 Chestnut Street
City: Riverside, Ca 92501
Phone: 951-781-4979
Complaintant: Rose Marie Zizzo
Date: 2003
Debra Darling severe abuse of my cat Oliver
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This information goes along with the following:

#1. Statement of Facts [enclosed]
#2. Find medical report procedure of being declawed by my vet Dr Jones. [already sent directly to Linda Berg]
#3. Acknowledgment & further proof this cat was recognized as being abused by the statement Michelle Casserd wrote in her report.

* Report page C43
* Written on 7/2/03
* By: Michelle Casserd
* Submitted to Betty Sleep in her report addressed to CFA Protest Committee, Animal Welfare
* page C42

* I will quote now on page C43 12."Oliver"- a Silver male. Debbie left this cat at the shelter, as he had a REALLY bad temperament-unhandleable-plus he had been neutered."

That is proof in itself that someone other then me, had acknowledged his negative behavior and this abuse was all done by Debra Darling because she had him for 2 years.
* Oliver was given to Debra Darling in 1998 at 6 months old he was a very sweet kitty
* Got him back 6

Debra Darling has been breeding pedigree kittys for over 15 years at 2912 Chestnut Street, Riverside, Ca 92501,951-781-4979 I am about to share what Debra K Darling of Hollyhocks Cattery had told me directly, about how she treats her cats/kittens. So therefore everything in this statement of facts came right from Debra K Darling herself.

I gave Debra Darling a shaded silver boy [on a trade] at 6 months old his name was Oliver in about 1998. Very sweet kitty, no personality problems what so ever. Two year later 2000 I get him back because I requested him

This kitty was kept inside a cage for 2 years. When I got him back I was scared to death of him. I wanted him cleaned and groomed. I was not able to even touch him. I had to have him declawed that is how dangerous & frantic he had become. I also had to have my vet bath him and cut his coat down and cut his back claws while he was still [under].

I have proof of this abuse that was done by Debra Darling [proof ask me for it]. Her name was on the cfa registeration papers. Proof from the vet enclosed. I am reporting that Debra Darling has neglected, abused and caused actual death to at least 5 cats that I know of since I was associated with her from between 1998- 2002 [approximately 3 years]

This is what Debra Darling told me she does to her kittys. Debra Darling told me, "when my cats do not listen to me, I bop them on top of the head with my hand and sometimes I use a broom. Debra also told me, "she does become physical with them to tell them who is boss."

Photo's enclosed of her cats how neglected them are due to lack of grooming Debra Darling told me, "3 males in 1 year of mine died because of crystalized urine in "2002".

I was suppose to purchase a kitty from a chinchilla golden in 2002. The mom was named Whimsy she was only 8 years old Debra Darling told me 1 year before that, "she has to really be careful with Whimsy because she almost died and she does not think she should breed her again, and should get her spayed!" Then I get a call from Debra Darling and she tell me, "guess what"? Whimsy got pregnant and its due at this date."

I then made arrangement that I wanted to purchase a kitty from that litter. It was time for Whimsy to give birth and I get a frantic call from Debra Darling telling me, "Whimsy just calapsed on the kitchen floor and died with her babies inside of her." I felt so broken hearted and sick over this horrible news, I made a memorial on Debra Darling site to remember "Whimsy". Debra Darling did not want that memorial on her site and took it off. Debra Darling told me, "anything I ever told you, do not tell to anyone, and especaily do not ever tell anyone how many cats I have, I dont want anyone to know!

The amount cats she has is over 30. She has them located in her back wooden porch area all in cages. When the mothers give birth she has them smashed into her kitchen area in various plastic bins. Debra Darling's interior home is filled to the brime with valuable antiques brought from the money sales of those poor kittys.

I purchased a kitten a blue eyed white for Debra Darling as a gift. The next day she called me up and told me, "to come and get this kitty, it had ring worm." I drove all the way to Riverside, Ca and went to her door and all I heard was a small white kitty screaming on the top of its lungs. She did not ever open the door fully. She cracked the door wide enough to hand me the screaming 8 week old kitty and shut the door swiftly. I have never seen or heard a kitty act with so much distress in my entire life, and just shuck my head in total disbelief as to why a kitty would be screaming on the top of its lungs like this.!

Debra Darling gave me back a male silver chinchilla that had such a bad scratch in his eye it took almost 1 year to heal, his name was Ting Tang Too. She also gave me back Butterscotch, but before she did she asked me, "are you sure you really want her back because Butterscotch had a real bad fight with one of my kittys and the fight was so bad Butterscotch was screaming on the top of her lungs" I asked her what happened? She said, "when Butterscotch had her babies she was in the kitchen area with all the rest of the mothers who had kittys, with no cages or organization." "And Butterscotch did not like a particlar kitty going near her kitties, ". And when she told me this I got chills up and down my spine, realizing this kitty may have been abused also. I did not know what to say, other then, "yes I want her back!"

Debra Darling best cattery friend Michelle Casserd told me, "Debra Darling don't care about her kittys, she is just doing it for the money". Debra Darling told me one day on the phone "she had so many unplaned litters due she counted up to 10 litters due that were all unplanned. I received an email post from "Brannaway" persians and asked them, "Did you see the condition she is keeping her GRC Brannaway Attum in?". They made one remark, "yes sadly I did"!

Debra Darling has persian kittys for sale constantly in the paper, week in and week out, month after month, year after year non stop, since I have associated with her since 1998

My understanding having dealt with Debra K Darling of Hollyhock Persians & Michelle Leslie Casserd for those 3 years that they may be cattery partner for over 20 years, BUT they truly are not friends. Why? Well friends dont talk bad things about each other. Friends dont say bad things about the to others when they are not there. I do not believe either one knows what the word friends mean. They just use each other. Debra uses Michelle because she is kind of "slow" mentally she has some sort of mental disability and Debra uses this to her advantage.

Debra K Darlings only interest is money she is extremly materialistic, claiming she grew up poor and its important for her to have materialistic possessions. Debra actually told me all of this. What an experience I had with this Debra K Darling.

I filed a protest with CFA about the severe cruelty & abuse Debra K Darling did to my cat. I sent CFA my vet statements, my vets medicial procedures, my statements about the history of my cat. And you want to know what CFA said? CFA said, "there is no proof". What is that saying about the largest cat registry in the world? Alot!

Everthing in this statement is 100% truth so help me God. Everything in this statement of facts is "paraphrased" & was told directly to me by Debra K. Darling of Hollyhocks Persians & Himalayans herself, while I assocated with her for the 3 years. RoseMarie Zizzo 9/23/03 Meaning of paraphrase A restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning.

Cat Breeders Complaints Info 2008

Company: Complaints 1 &2 Debra K Darling Of Hollyhock Persian Cattery
Country: USA
State: California
City: Riverside
Address: 2912 CHesnut Street
Phone: 9517814979
  <     >  


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