Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff Atlanta Georgia

Shops, Products, Services

I got a call at dinner time, said that i had been entered

In a contest to win $50,000.00 if i would order a few


So i did boy that was the frist mistake i made, second one

Was giving them my check card #.

They called everday for two weeks telling me that i was a

Preferred customer, and that i would be getting a quartz

Diamond watch in the mail the books have never come, no

Watch nothing.

They call at work telling me that i had recieved a $25.00

Discount, do i want a check or do iwant it put on my

Account so i had it put on the account

The price seemed good at frist until they drained all my

Checking plus! Part of my saving.

I was lucky i got that back, but after im raised hell!!!

Still out $175.00 no books, no watch no nothing. So please help me get my money back or tell me how

bakervville, North Carolina

Company: Consolidated Media Services
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 937 Mine Creek Road
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Consolidated media services
Consolidated Media Services

Consolidated media services
Consolidated Media Services consumer rip-off fraud

Consolidated Media Service
S violating Federal Law

Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud false promises

Consolidated media services
Consolidated Media Services ripoff stealing money fruad billing nightmare

Consolidated Media Services
They can go to HELL Atlanta Internet

Consolidated Media Services ripoff business from hell USA

CMS Consolidated Media Services
Consolidated Media Services magazine subscription ripoff

Consolidated Media Services (CMS), Media Outsourcing (MOS)
Consolidated Media Services (CMS) & Media Outsourcing (MOS) is a fraudulent ripoff business

Consolidated Media Services
Rip off!