Google Merchant
Scam and cheating!

Shops, Products, Services

I had a customer to pay me $300 for a dog and did not realize that I couldn't sell live animals using my merchant account, my account was then suspended and the money was refunded to my customer. Now google has taken $300 additional dollars from my account THAT WAS NOT THEIRS and I am now in the hole with my bank account for no reason and I need my money back asap! I have checks bouncing everywhere and cant even pay my bills, WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Google doesn't have a phone number and they do not respond to my complaints! If you have a google merchant seller account please switch to someone else as fast as you can, before they get you too!!

Company: Google Merchant
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
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Google Merchant
Beware Google Merchant Seller Account WARNING! They Lifted money from my checking account for no reason!

Google checkout
Google checkout google checkout is not a valid merchant service they seize your fund for your merchant account for no reason!

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