AT & T gross untimely failed to provide Bundle Contract to pay Dish Networks

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AT & T Failed in their contract to provide / fullfill their part when they Bundle your services: phone, internet, and Dish Network. It took over 5 months and over 50 calls to ATT to whom I paid in advance to not only upgrade my basic phone features (to Caller ID, Phone Manager, Toll Free Calling, Voice), once I paid for this upgrade, from basic 30 a month to 70 a month ATT was supposed to pay my DISH Network bill for one year, but ATT did not pay this contractrual portion, I had to pay ATT for their upgrade plus continue to pay my DISH Network.

I called ATT at least 60 times, when are you going to start paying this Dish Network bill? Over and over, ATT said this for 5 months.

Dec. 2006 I signed a contract, not until May did ATT begin to pay for this, by that time my money being paid to both ATT upgraded services, and continued to pay 70 a month for 5 more months to Dish Network.

When I told ATT that all my money I had to pay them, was taken up by paying Dish also, at first ATT cut some of my phone features, so I could catch up on these bills, but in one week, ATT said no, pay your bills.

I told ATT if they would of kept their end of the contract, and paid the Dish Network bill, I would of had the money to pay you, ATT caused this, by their own untimely, unreasonable gross delay, and I believe the contract is voided by them, they continue to bill me even after I told them I can not pay them, the money is gone that I had placed aside for them, since I had to keep paying Dish networks also, they caused this.

I believe ATT will not say I owe 116 for voiding ther contract, and charge me from Nov after I told them I cannot pay because I have not the money, and they kept the services going, after I told them, and I believe they will try to place this and me onto a collection, and hurt my credit scores.

I think ATT is doing this every where, their service people talk to you like your trash, even their Chicago Corp office failed to help.

They cant handle the truth!

They wasted my time, forced me in part into hardship, stressed me out, called me at work, promised to pay Dish Networks, Lied, deceptive practice, bad service people, bad Corp Office response, bad training, ATT kept me so rapped up trying to get them to uphold their contract, they wasted my time, and money, and I believe only a massive wake up call will make them come to their senses, to see that they done this, they caused this.

Company: AT&T
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Hammond
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