Shops Fake fake fake run away hurry

Shops, Products, Services

What the hell they got me to, when you want to do the right thing and get you credit on the up and up BOOM they prey on you and BOOM they take your money and all of, In the start it sounded great to me i new i was looking for was to clean up mu credit so i was like maybe this is a great program and just what i needed to get me ok, Little did i know these suckers got me good all $200.00 bucks and now i cant get in touch with them but is cool will contact who ever i need to contact to get this issue resolve, they may took the wrong person money, they may dont know that i am a Detective with the Atlanta police unit, scamming harmless people that a NO NO to me, but this is not over first time shame on you second time hell no. There will be no second time nor third time,

Clarkston, Georgia

Company: Ameritrust
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Dunedin
Address: 1425 Main Street
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Lee ann big scammer fake witch took my money and never reply to my mails

Consumer First
Aka People's Credit Total Ripoff Scam they will never send your card! Corruption

Radowo Jasa
Consumer Report

Bogus fake diploma review site set up to get people to buy from

Leonard Borisovich Bukhvalov Brave
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Van Buren Maine
And Larry Cote Van Buren Main's Economy is SO BAD there is now a song about it! Van Buren
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Mike Longmire
This guy is a joke. Do not get burned. I was cool with this dude, he took my kindness for a weakness, fake a

Hornymatches Belgium
Hornymatches Suckers you in then it all becomes too obvious that their members are mostly fake. Brussles

Standard Credit Union Bank
Consumer Report